Act 5 ch 11

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"I beat you" Victoria says already sitting on her grandparents' couch when Rory walks in.

"I had to stop at mom's" Rory says sitting on the couch next to her. "I was just telling your sister about our trip, it was wonderful" Emily takes a seat.

"Awesome" Rory says. "We'll have to wait till next week to show you pictures, Richard bought this new digital camera that's supposed to be so simple a child can use it. So now we need to find a child to show us how" Emily jokes but only she and Victoria laugh as Rory just puts on a fake smile. "Are you okay?" Victoria whispers to her sister.

"I'm fine" Rory replies.

"So did you go to Athens on that first big European trip of yours?" Emily asks. "Um, yeah" Victoria answers.

"I hope you saw the national archaeological museum. I thought of you there the whole time" Emily says. "The room with the mask of Agamemnon" she continues. "Yep, we hit that" Rory says dryly not wanting to talk to Emily.

Victoria's upset too about Emily trying to and successfully breaking up Luke and Lorelai, but she also knows that Emily's still her grandmother and she wants to at least try and maintain a good relationship with her.

"Interesting, huh?" Emily keeps trying. "Very" Victoria agrees.

"Girls" Richard walks downstairs. "Grandpa! Welcome home" Rory runs over to hug him. "Well, thank you" Richard hugs her back.

"Look at this outfit. I like the colors" he says as Emily watches them finally realizing that she's the reason Rory was acting cold, not that she was tired or stressed or anything else.

"Thanks, it's borrowed" Rory says. "So we have quite a bit to catch up on" Richard tells her. "I know, I wanna hear all about it" Rory says finally interested.

"I'm sure your grandmother's caught you up somewhat" Richard replies.

"She started to" Victoria tells him. "With the dozens of postcards she sent you probably remember the trip better than I do" Richard says.

"I still want to hear your account" Rory stresses the word your. "Have them open the gifts, Richard" Emily tells her husband. "Oh, yes, please! Open it" he hands each girl a bag.

"Oh my god, it's amazing" Rory pulls out a book.

"Leaves of Grass in Greek" Richard tells her. "100 years old. Some beautiful engravings" he adds.

"Well now I have to learn Greek" Victoria says having gotten the same thing. "Feel the leather" Emily comments. "Grandpa, thank you so much" Rory ignores her.

"You can thank your grandmother. She helped pick it out" Richard says.

"Thank you, Grandma" Victoria smiles at her. "Dinner is served, Mrs. Gilmore" the maid walks in.

"Thank you, Eliza" Emily thanks her. "You can flip through that a little later" Emily says to Rory who's currently reading the book, despite now knowing Greek. "Okay" Rory rolls her eyes closing the book.


Slight Smut Warning

"This family makes me want to murder people" Victoria slips her heals off as she gets home.

"Tristan?" she calls out waking in before hearing the shower running. Victoria smiles to herself walking over and into the bathroom.

"Tori?" Tristan asks hearing the door open. "Mhm" she confirms closing the door behind her, not that it matters with them being the only ones living there. "How was dinner?" Tristan asks.

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