Act 2 ch 2

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"Victoria?!" Lorelai calls out one morning.

"Living room!" Victoria yells back. "I need your advice on something" Lorelai says walking down the stairs wearing a newspaper veil.

"What do you think?" she asks. "Huh" Victoria says. "Not good?" Lorelai asks.

"I'm not sure, have you tried the arts and leisure section?" Victoria jokes.

"I need you to be serious" Lorelai sighs. "You're wearing a newspaper on your head" Victoria points out.

"I know" Lorelai says. "And you need me to be serious?" Victoria asks. "I am trying to figure out veil lengths here" Lorelai tells her.

"Oh, sure" Victoria comments.

"See I kind of like this shoulder length kind of semi poofy thing like this" Lorelai tells her. "Mhm" Victoria says.

"But there's also a longer one that might be interesting" Lorelai continues. "Longer, sure" Victoria says. "And then there's the full on Diana" Lorelai keeps talking.

"Right" Victoria says.

"Which is nice, but it just might be a little- you're reading me" Lorelai accuses. "Wait, don't move" Victoria says reading her head.

"Victoria, stop it" Lorelai says. "This whole arms race thing is seriously getting crazy" Victoria comments. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation about the most important fashion decision of my life" Lorelai tells her.

"Why don't we go to a wedding dress place and try a real veil on?" Victoria suggests.

"No way" Lorelai turns the idea down. "Why?" Victoria asks.

"Too much taffeta gives me cotillion flashbacks" Lorelai tells her. "Okay, fine. Could you bend over so I can see what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow?" Victoria asks. "Actually, I went in one of those places yesterday" Lorelai admits.

"You did? Which one?" Victoria asks her mother.

"Marry MeMe's" she tells her. "Ooh I see you're going top of the line" Victoria says.

"Ugh it was horrible, apparently you're supposed to order your wedding dress the first day of junior high and if you haven't it's off the rack for you missy. I tried on three different dresses one of which gave me a rash and I gotta say has anyone missed the bustle cause I haven't" Lorelai goes off. "It was not that bad" Victoria insists. "It all looked wrong, I'm gonna be gross and all the children will laugh and Max will realize he's made a horrible mistake and then people will walk away exactly as you're doing now" Lorelai says as Victoria walks away.

"Let's go" Victoria says.

"Where?" Lorelai asks her. "Wedding dress shopping" Victoria answers.

"You're reading" Lorelai makes up an excuse. "I'm done" Victoria tells her. "You need to see Tristan" she tries another excuse.

"He's busy" Victoria says.

"Your cure for cancer's almost finished" Lorelai tries. "We are going to find the perfect thing for you to walk down the aisle in for your perfect wedding day where there will be no pointing, mocking, or walking out" Victoria tells her.

"I did not say point, why did you say pointing?" she asks. "Keys" Victoria says handing her mother the keys. "Thank you" Lorelai thanks her.


"Mom tomorrow I'm going to build a house" Lorelai mocks Rory as they sit in the car.

"Help build a house" Rory corrects her. "Did you tel them that there's a light bulb in your closet that burned out in '97 you still haven't changed?" Victoria asks.

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