Goodbye bar

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A few minutes later we park in front of the bar. "Should I come in?" Asks Bucky as I am about to get out, he sounds tense. "Not necessary. Apart from Liv, nobody should be there yet and hopefully it shouldn't take that long" I put my hand on his and squeeze it gently and he relaxes a bit. I stop for a moment in front of the front door and take a deep breath. Liv will understand my decision, I'm sure of that. Oh, I'll miss all of this here. The girls, the contact with so many different, mostly nice, people, just everything that defines this job. In fact, I somehow hate myself for letting the fear of Brock take this away from me. But I just know it's the right thing to do. I go inside and I am spotted by Liv almost instantly. She comes around the counter, runs up to me and takes me in her arms. "Oh my god. I'm so happy to see you! How are you? What are you doing here?" I return the hug and for a few seconds just enjoy the fact that Liv is holding me in her arms. As I break out of the hug I say, "I'm fine, physically at least. Everything else I think will take a while." I can see her gaze grow dark. "I should have just dragged you to the police after the guy touched you the first time. Then maybe that would be ..." I interrupt her before she can continue. "Liv, it's not your fault. I didn't want to go to the police and I give you credit for accepting my decision." We go to the bar together where I sit down at the counter and Liv steps behind the counter to make us coffee. "I'm glad you're here, but you didn't come here for no reason, did you?" Although I'm sure of my decision, I suddenly get nervous. Embarrassed, I chew the inside of my cheek. "You're leaving, aren't you?" Liv answers her own question. I look at her and feel tears well up. "Yes" is all I can say about it. She puts her hand on mine, which is resting on the counter. "I understand, dear. That was a decisive experience. But you know that you will always have a place here. It will be really difficult to find a replacement for you." We smile at each other and I promise her that I will definitely continue to come here as a guest. "And what are you going to do now?" she asks me the question to which I don't really have an answer myself. "To be honest I have no idea. I'll stay with Bucky and the other Avengers for now. Let's see what the time will bring." "He seems like a really nice guy. Very different from that cockroach you call your ex-boyfriend." Yes, that is him. The nicest guy I've ever met. Suddenly it occurs to me that Bucky is waiting for me outside in the car. I jump up and hug Liv. "Thank you for everything Liv. But I guess I should go, Bucky is waiting outside in the car." She takes me outside and watches me as I get into the car. "How was it?" asks Bucky, as soon as I got in. "Better than expected. She already knew I wouldn't be back." This time he grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Next to your apartment?" I nod and Bucky reverses out of the parking space. As we drive away I see Liv in the rearview mirror. This is it, the end of a long chapter in my life.

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