Nausea and a visit to the doctor

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It has been a few months since the day at the fair. Bucky and I are still on cloud nine and it almost feels like we're falling in love with each other anew and more intensely every day. In the last few weeks, however, I have not been doing so well physically. I actually feel sick all the time and throw up more often than I would like. I'm in the bathroom right now, throwing up again. Even if Bucky tries to hide it, you can clearly see that he is worried about me. I flush the toilet and lean on the sink for a moment before brushing my teeth. Then I go back to the bedroom, crawl back into bed with Bucky and snuggle up to him. It's still early in the morning, so he sounds sleepy when he speaks. "I'm getting really worried about you baby." "It's definitely nothing bad Bucky. Maybe I just got a gastrointestinal infection somewhere." I snuggle up closer to him and try to alleviate his worries a little. I myself have no idea what exactly is wrong with me. But since I've been in the hospital for so long because of Brock, I've been kind of scared of going to the doctor. I find myself absurd, but I just can't fight it. I told Bucky about my aversion to doctors, but nothing about how much the thought of it actually scares me. "Are you sure? Maybe we should take you to the doctor after all?" "I'm sure. You'll see I'll be back on my feet in a few days." "Still, I wouldn't want to leave you alone today. I'm sure Tony can get on with our Hydra cause today without me." Since I've been feeling so bad, Bucky has hardly left my side. In fact, he has skipped various missions in the last few weeks just to be with me. But I know that this is an important mission today. Tony has found some old Hydra Bases that have been showing some activity recently. And I know how important it is to Bucky, to knock out Hydra, and with it Rumlow, once and for all. "Baby you know that it is important that you go with him. I'll just stay here in bed, sleep a lot and when you get back I'll be much better." He knows I'm right. He sighs in frustration before sitting up and looking at me. "Ok, but only on one condition. Steve will take you to the doctor later. I'm really scared that you will continue to feel so bad." I struggle with myself. I don't want to see a doctor, but I don't want Bucky to worry about me either. Well, loving Bucky I think I can overcome my fear. "All right. If it calms you down, I'll have Steve drive me to the doctor later." Bucky doesn't seem any less worried, but when his alarm goes off for a few minutes, he kisses me quickly before disappearing into the bathroom to get ready for today's mission. When he's finished he comes back to my bed. "Are you really sure I should go?" I take his hand and squeeze it gently. "I'm sure baby. I'll lie down a little more and then I'll go to the doctor." "Well, honey, I'll see you later then" he kisses my forehead, hesitates briefly and then leaves the room. I turn sideways and fell asleep again minutes later. I wake up around eleven o'clock and don't feel quite as bad as before. I take a quick shower before I put on sweatpants and a white plush sweater. I am about to leave the room to find Steve when I feel a new wave of nausea. I run to the bathroom and barely make it to the bathroom before I vomit again. For what feels like the tenth time today I brush my teeth and am a little scared when I see Steve sitting on the bed as I step out of the bathroom. "Are you still not feeling better?" asks Steve and looks at me worriedly. "Not really. I think if I throw up again I'll die." Steve gets up and hooks his arm on me, "and to keep that from happening, we're taking you to the doctor now." Strangely, I'm a little relieved when I see we're standing in front of the hospital where I've been a patient for so long. After all, it is not completely strangers who will examine me here. "Do you want me to come in with you?" I shake my head. "No thanks Steve. I'd rather do this alone." Steve nods and decides to wait in the car until I'm done. Inside I register and wait impatiently for my turn. Even though I partially know the doctors here, I still feel uncomfortable. Before I see the doctor, my blood is drawn and I have to pee in a beaker, which is then also examined in the laboratory. "Ms. Taylor?" I look up and can't help smiling when I see Dr. Gray standing in front of me. When she recognizes me, a smile also forms on her face. "Hello Dr. Gray." We shake hands before I follow her into one of the treatment rooms. She goes through a few documents before looking at me again. "So you come to us with severe nausea and frequent vomiting. How long have you had these symptoms?" "About four weeks." She nods and somehow smiles knowingly. "When was your last period?" I think about it and suddenly it hits me like a blow. I've been so happy over the past few months that I didn't even notice that my period was missing. I stare at her in disbelief. She smiles understandingly. "Your urine has shown an increased HCG level. The so-called pregnancy hormone. I would like to do another ultrasound scan to be absolutely sure." "I'm pregnant?" I can hardly believe how happy I sound at this question. "It looks like it, Ms. Taylor. Please lie down on the examination table so I can do another ultrasound." I lie down and a few minutes later I see white and black pixels on the ultrasound machine's screen. I always find it fascinating how doctors can see anything on it. "Do you see this? That little black dot?" Dr. Gray points to a really tiny black point. "Is that it?" I ask and feel tears well up. A baby. There's a baby growing inside of me "Yes Ms. Taylor, congratulations." She wipes the gel off my stomach and gives me the printout from the device. "As far as you can tell at this stage everything looks healthy, I would say you are in the 10-11 week. The nausea can, however, continue for a while. I am writing you a herbal remedy that you can get in the pharmacy It should get better with that. I would ask you to make a new appointment outside in about six weeks. You can bring the child's father with you if you like." When she says that, she looks at me curiously. Even without her saying it, I know that she would like to know whether Bucky is the father or not. "Bucky will definitely be happy to come with me." I can't stop grinning. "I'm glad that everything turned out well for both of you." I'm so happy that instead of shaking her hand again, I pull her into a hug, which she returns after a moment's hesitation. On the way out, I make a new appointment and go back to Steve. "And? What did the doctor say?" he hardly asks that I got in. "Oh ... um ... that I'll be better in a few days" unconsciously I put my hand on my stomach and can't help but smile. I don't want anyone to know before Bucky, so I'm only giving Steve half the story. Steve seems to know that I'm holding something back from him. But he smiles at me too. "Ok, let's just say I believe you." When he starts the car, something occurs to me. Bucky's birthday is tomorrow. "Steve, can we make a detour through the mall? I need to get something else." Even while I'm in the mall, Steve stays in the car. I redeem my prescription at the pharmacy and buy a few things for the perfect birthday present.

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