I leave you

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After we parked the car in a side street, we walk to my house. I dig my house keys out of my trouser pocket and we go through the hall to the first floor. I just put the key in the front door when Bucky's cell phone rings. He takes out his cell phone and looks at the display. "This is Steve. I have to answer it." "Ok, I'll leave the door open so you can come in as soon as you're done." Bucky is walking down the hall when he takes the call. I open the door and go inside. I go through the bathroom to my bedroom and get my trolley suitcase from under the bed. Then I grab all of the clothes and put them inside. It's kind of sad how few things I have. In the bathroom I grab the little makeup I have, my shampoos and perfumes and put them in my suitcase as well. Last but not least, I take Mr. Peanut Butter off my bed and put him in the suitcase too. Mr. Peanut Butter is a light brown teddy bear with a blue denim jacket that I've had with me all my life. I can still remember how my father gave it to me one day. How I've missed him in the past few weeks. I pull the suitcase behind me and go back to the front door. "So are you going to show up here again?" I hear a voice that instantly freezes my blood in my veins. I turn around and see Brock sitting on the sofa. He holds a glass in his right hand while it rests on his thigh. "What ... what are you doing here Brock?" Suddenly the fear that I have of him is there again. I feel my breathing speed up and my hands start to sweat. "As far as I remember, I'm still the one who pays for this apartment. So I can come here whenever I want" you can clearly hear that he is drunk. He gets up slowly and swaying towards me. I am frozen in shock and cannot move. "What do you want Brock?" I ask, avoiding his gaze. "I want you to move your ass back home" he is so close to me now that I can feel his breath on my skin. "That ... that won't happen Brock. I ... I'm leaving you" I take all my courage and try not to let my fear show too clearly. He starts laughing disparagingly and slowly shakes his head. "As if that were your decision! You are mine! Apparently I have to remind you of it again." He's so angry he almost screams and throws me to the ground. I don't know what's going on, but I'm paralyzed. Bucky! It's screaming inside me but I can't pronounce it. I squeeze my eyes shut, anxiously waiting for the first blow. But nothing happens. "Get away from her" I hear Bucky roar. When I open my eyes again I see him holding Brock. "Sergeant Barnes! I should have thought she'd spread her legs for you now." He averts his gaze from Bucky to look at me. "What else would an Avenger want from you?" Bucky looks like he'd love to kill Brock. I've never seen him so angry before. And it's all my fault. "That's enough asshole," Bucky hisses and tries to get Brock out of the apartment. Brock, however, does not seem to want to give up without a fight. He rams his forehead into Bucky's face and seconds later a fierce fight has broken out. Brock doesn't stand a chance. The fact that he is drunk certainly contributes to the fact that he is not a worthy opponent for Bucky. "Bucky stop," I ask him when Brock lies almost motionless on the floor. "If you touch her again I'll kill you" with these words he lets off Brock and walks over to the window where he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. "You both will regret that," I hear Brock mumbling indistinctly before he flees from the apartment. I have now got up and stand against the wall, frightened. When Bucky has calmed down a bit and looks at me, he looks shocked. "Hey, don't worry, it's me, Bucky," he says in a calm tone and comes up to me. What? Does he really think I'm scared of him? He protected me, he probably even saved my life. Who knows what Brock would have done to me this time. When I don't react immediately, he looks sad. How can he think that I'm scared of him? I run over to him and throw myself on his chest. Relieved, he puts his arms around me and hugs me tightly while the tears loosen from me, a belated reaction to Brock's attack. "Everything's okay. He's gone," he rubs my back soothingly. At some point he pushes me a bit away from him so that he can look into my face. "Are you all right?" I nod as I look at him. "You're hurt," I whisper. Bucky's nose is bleeding, probably from the head butt, and his lower lip is cracked. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine." "But you're bleeding." He only seems to notice it now, hesitantly feels his face and sees the blood. I go to the bathroom and get the first aid kit out of a drawer. "Sit down" I say and point to the sofa. "Michelle, it's okay." Instead of saying something, I just look at him until he sits down on the sofa with a sigh. I sit down on the side table across from him and start wiping away the blood. I disinfect the cut on his lip and attach a plaster to it. "You should have your nose checked by a doctor. It is no longer bleeding, but it looks a little swollen." After I've treated him so far, I nervously fiddle around with my shirt and look sadly at the floor. It's all my fault. If I had never met Bucky, he wouldn't have been hurt because of me. "Look at me," says Bucky, putting a finger under my chin to lift my face. "Don't you dare to think that this is your fault. If anyone is to blame for everything, it's Brock." He smiles at me so sincerely that my heart threatens to burst. There he sits in front of me, injured by a fight that only took place on my account, and yet he still looks at me as he did before. Not a trace of aversion or disgust in his gaze. That was all I could ever see in Brock's eyes. "Come on, let's go and leave this behind forever." He holds out his hand to me and we get up together. He takes my suitcase and leaves the apartment. I look around one last time and close another chapter of my life with the apartment door.

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