What is the name of the little princess?

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It's all going so damn fast. Just now I'm almost dying of pain and I feel like I'm being torn apart. And in the next second, the pain is almost completely gone and I feel strangely light. That's when I hear my baby's squeaky cries. 

Bucky: You did great baby. Our little princess. 

Bucky is now kneeling next to me and kissing me while still holding my hand. He probably couldn't loosen his hand even if he wanted to. I squeezed so hard that it will probably remain in this position forever. Bruce performs an initial medical exam on our daughter before Nat cleans her up and puts her in Bucky's arms. 

Nat: Congratulations. She is beautiful.

Bucky comes over with her and sits on the cot next to me.

Michelle: She's perfect.

I say as I place her in my arms.

Bucky: As perfect as her mother.

Her mouth is drawn into a sweet pout. Her eyes are glued to Bucky. I'm afraid our little girl is going to be a daddy's girl. But I guess I can live with that. It's only when I look at him now that I see that his gaze is glued to her just as her gaze is to him. At some point there's a knock on the door and Sam sticks his head in. 

Sam: I heard your little one was in a hurry?

Michelle: You could say that.

He comes to us and I see the same fascination on his face that I saw a few years ago when Leon was born.

Sam: Congratulations. But... are you alright Bucky? You look like you just gave birth.

Bucky looks really exhausted. And I guess he looks worse than me. At least he looks worse than I feel. However, it could also be that I'm still too adrenaline-pumping to realize how exhausted I am.

Bucky: Sam - We'll talk when someone crushes your hand for hours. I keep forgetting how strong Michelle actually is.

Michelle: Sorry babe

I grab the bruised hand and kiss it. He instantly relaxes and smiles softly at me.

Bucky: It's okay. If I have to endure that in order to be able to hold our baby in my arms afterwards, you can always crush it again. But I'm afraid I won't be able to use the hand for a while now. 

I kiss the hand again before snuggling into him with our daughter in my arms. Gradually the others come in to greet the newest addition to our large, chaotic family.

Steve: Congratulations. Bucky... you look like you're about to pass out.

Bucky: I'm fine.

He doesn't sound really convinced. I guess he underestimated how exhausting such a birth is. Both for the woman and for the man.

Loki: Knock, knock, knock! Can we come in I have a very excited big brother with me.

Leon: Can I finally see my sister now?

I hear Leon calling from outside the door. I nod.

Michelle: Sure. Come in.

As soon as the door is completely open, Leon comes running to us. His eyes widen as he sees the baby in my arms. Bucky lifts him onto the cot with us so he can see her even better.

Leon: She's so tiny

He looks at her in admiration and gently kisses her on the head.

Bucky: You were so tiny once.

To others, that probably just sounds like a simple statement. But I know Bucky so well that I can hear the sad undertone in his voice. He's probably blaming himself again because he couldn't be there at the time. I tilt my head up and kiss his cheek. A kiss that should say you are here now. And since you came back you are always there for us.

Loki: What's the name of the little princess?

Michelle: Um... to be honest... we haven't even thought about it.

Bucky and I look at each other in astonishment. With all that Thanos, Infinity Stones and the possibility of half of all life being wiped out, we actually forgot to think about a name for our baby.

Bucky: We actually forgot about that. Well... we thought we still had at least four weeks left.

Leon: Amilia!

Leon exclaims suddenly and all eyes turn to him.

Michelle: Darling, how did you come up with the name?

Leon: In the book that dad and you always read to me, the princess is also called Amilia. And she is the most beautiful and kindest princess ever.

Bucky: That's a wonderful idea darling.

He looks at me to see if I agree with that too. In fact, I think the idea is great. And the name is really beautiful. I kiss our girl on the head and she turns her gaze away from her father to me.

Michelle: Welcome to the family, Amilia Barnes.

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