Let them in

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With a hissing noise, without warning, a portal opens in the middle of T'Challa's office and we are all shocked when Bruce slams onto the floor in front of us.

Nat: Oh my god Bruce, are you ok?

She immediately rushes to his side and helps him up. Bruce seems pretty confused himself.

Bruce: Umm... yeah... kinda

Sam: How did you get here?

The question is on everyone's tongue. At that moment, his shock dissipates and he seems rather anxious. He begins to stammer and frantically runs his hand through his hair.

Bruce: Thanos..... New York..... some of Thanos' henchmen are in New York.

Steve: What do you mean they're in New York? And why are you here? And where are Peter and Tony?

Bruce summarizes what happened in New York. He looks down in embarrassment as he talks about the Hulk not showing up.

Bruce: I don't know why they brought me here. Without the Hulk, I'm useless here too.

T'Challa: Not necessarily. Shuri was working on a little gimmick. Some kind of armor. Come with Dr. Banner, I'll show you.

The two leave the office and the rest of us stay behind.

Sam: This is bad. If the others in New York have already made acquaintance with Thanos henchmen, it won't be long before they arrive here as well.

Bucky: Then we can only hope that it won't come to that.

Michelle: Actually what worries me more is that the situation there seemed to be so bad that they put Bruce out of the line of fire.

I look at Bucky and see the same fear in his eyes that I feel. Again his optimistic statement is just an attempt to reassure me and the others somehow. My thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang.

Nat: Can someone please tell me I just imagined this?

Sam, who was looking out the window, draws our attention outside.

Sam: Looks like New York's done.

The sight that offers itself to us makes my blood run cold. On the horizon beyond the barrier that the dome is, there are quite a few spaceships hovering and the ground is littered with creatures I can't even describe. What is clear to see is that they are trying to breach the dome. Without wasting any more time, we all run outside where we meet T'Challa, Bruce in some sort of giant robot, and the entire Wakandan army. We all wait for T'Challa to say something, but he just stares calmly at the dome and the scenario unfolding beyond.

Sam: Are we just standing here or are we defending Wakanda and the world?

Bruce: As long as the dome keeps them out, we're safe in here.

Nat: But how long will that be?

T'Challa: Nothing can destroy this dome.

Okoye: Nothing that we know of. But so far we've never dealt with aliens.

Bucky: If they manage to break through in several places at the same time, we don't stand a chance.

Michelle: Then we have to make sure they only get through in one spot.

Sam: You want to let them in here on purpose?

Michelle: I have no idea. But, just an idea, what if we purposefully open the dome in one spot? So we would have a spot to focus on. I don't think these creatures are the most intelligent and see through this. I think as soon as there's a way in, they'll all jump on it.

Okoye: That might work. T'Challa? It's your decision.

With a quick nod in Okoye's direction, T'Challa agrees to our suggestion.

T'Challa: Warriors - come together and form a wall.

I can't watch how quickly we all disappear behind a wall of soldiers.

Steve: Avengers - now it counts. We must keep them away from Shuri and Vision for as long as possible.

I can't believe this is actually happening right now. What if we don't get through this? What if we don't survive? We couldn't even say goodbye to Leon and Amilia properly. What if we saw them for the last time this morning? Tears well up in my eyes and I'm about to lose my composure. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I wince slightly when Bucky grabs my hand.

Bucky: No matter what, I love you Michelle.

Michelle: I love you too.

He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes hoping to wake up in our bed. But when I open my eyes again, we're still standing in front of the palace in Wakanda, waiting for the dome to open. T'Challa gives the order to open the barrier.

Steve: Get ready.

Everything happens as I thought. As soon as the barrier has opened just a crack, the first creatures rush in. The wall of soldiers runs towards them without losing their formation and can take out some of them instantly. But so many of them come in so quickly that we too are attacked very quickly. We all fight with everything we have. But there are so many that at times you have to fight up to three of them at the same time. I was tearing another alien apart with a knife when I heard a loud crack overhead. When I look up, I see a gigantic machine swooping down on me. It's already so close that I have no idea how to get far enough without getting crushed by it. I helplessly hold my arms above my head - a pathetic attempt to protect myself - and mentally say goodbye to everyone I love. But the expected impact does not come. I hesitantly lower my arms and look up. The machine stopped in the fall. Turning around, I see Wanda holding the thing in place, giving me a chance to duck under it. When I'm far enough away, she drops it and uses it to crush some of our enemies. I run to her breathlessly and hug her.

Michelle: Thank you. But why are you here?

Wanda: Here I can better ensure that these things don't get close to Shuri and Vision.

Michelle: Then go!

Side by side we take out opponent after opponent. But there are just too many. I look around the battlefield and see that every single one of us is struggling. Many of the soldiers who bravely protected us in the beginning are lying motionless on the ground. From here I can't tell if they're dead or alive, but I fear the worst. I see Bucky and Steve who just took out two more aliens together. Both look totally exhausted, I see blood on their hands and faces. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. Exploiting the last of my strength, I plunge back in as a bright bolt of lightning streaks across the sky. Is that true? This flash lands on the ground and a short time later reveals an all-too-familiar face. Thor! And he's not alone. On his shoulder is an armed raccoon and next to him is a... tree? Fine with me as long as they fight by our side.

Thor: Let the party begin!

Seeing Thor seems to give everyone new courage. You can literally see how everyone activates the last reserves again.

Steve: It's about time you showed up.

Thor: I'm here now. Let's kill some aliens.

I almost laugh when I see Bucky using the raccoon as a kind of second weapon. He holds his rifle in his human hand and the raccoon in his metal hand, which in turn holds a gun and fires while Bucky spins around. When he sets him down again, the raccoon looks at him in fascination. More precisely, he looks at his metal arm. His gaze darts between arm and weapon.

Raccoon: How much do you want for the gun?

Bucky: It's not for sale.

Raccoon: And for the arm?

Bucky doesn't even acknowledge this question with an answer and runs away. Just when it seems we've made it, there's a bang in the sky and more spaceships appear. Seconds later, new aliens break through the open barrier. On to round two!

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