Merry Christmas

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Christmas is finally here. I spent the whole day tidying up, packing a few last gifts and preparing dinner for tonight. I'm so excited - this is the first time I've made a three-course meal for so many people. I'm already looking forward to spending a cozy evening with the others later. Especially because Peter brings MJ with him and I can finally get to know her. Except for a few presents, which Leon was allowed to open this morning, we have saved them for later when the others come. After all, we also have gifts for them. When Leon euphorically unwrapped his presents, I realized that I might have overdone it a little while shopping. On the other hand, Christmas is only once a year, so I can really spoil my little boy. In order to let me work in peace, Bucky kept Leon busy playing with all the new toys he was given. Our guests will arrive in about an hour. Time to see my boys. I can already hear Leon giggling at the door. I open the door quietly and stand in the door frame. Bucky is sitting in front of one of the new games that Leon got - an elephant with an upturned trunk from which butterflies come out that you have to catch with a quiver. Leon runs around with the quiver and is happy about every butterfly that lands in the net. "How are my two favorite men?" I ask after watching them fascinated for a moment. When Leon sees me, he drops the quiver and comes to me. I pick him up and kiss his forehead. "We're doing great. And how is my doll?" asks Bucky as he looks up at us from the floor. I put Leon back on the floor and he immediately grabs the quiver again and continues playing. I sit down with Bucky and lean my head on his shoulder. "One more hour until the others come," I say absently while I watch my son. He's such a happy kid. I could watch him just exist all day. "You get ready in peace. I'll make sure that Leon is bathed and dressed" he kisses me on the head. God how much I love this man. He is always so attentive and accommodating. "Thank you baby" one last kiss before I get up and go to our bathroom. After a long shower, I blow dry my hair and then sit down at my dressing table. It's been a long time since I really put on make-up - in fact, there haven't been so many occasions lately and in everyday life I just don't feel like it - but today I feel like it. We have set a certain dress code for tonight. Not too over the top, but still chic. When my makeup is done I pull out my curling iron and curl my hair so that it falls over my back in gentle waves when I'm done. My choice of clothes for today makes me smile when I think about it. It is a bronze-colored glittering dress with straps, floor-length with a slit on the left that goes almost up to the waist. In addition, bronze glittering high heels. On the way down I have just reached the last step when the doorbell rings. Crazy, it actually took me an hour to get ready. I open the door and am very happy to see our entire family gathered in front of it. "Hi guys, come in" I step aside to let them in. All of them are smartly dressed; in fact, each of the men wears a suit without a tie or bow tie. So that it is not that formal chic. "Merry Christmas, Michelle. Where's my favorite nephew? I have the coolest present ever for him," Loki greets me and has a huge package with him. "Leon should be in his room. But gifts won't come until later, would you please put it with the others in the living room?" I ask him. "Michelle!!" Before I know it, Morgan walks up to me and jumps into my arms. I'll catch her just in time. "Where's Leon? Can I play with him?" she asks very shyly. The two are so cute together. Who knows, maybe the two of them will become a couple one day. "Hey little one. Of course you can play with him. He should be in his room." Loki has apparently heard us, he is standing at the stairs and waiting for Morgan before the two go up together. "Hey Michelle" Peter hugs me and looks so happy. He points to a beautiful girl who stands shyly behind him. "This is MJ. Thanks for letting me bring her." "Of course Peter. About time you finally introduced her to me" I turn to MJ and hug her as she uncertainly holds out her hand to me. "Nice to meet you, MJ." "Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the invitation." The next one to greet me is Sam. "Merry Christmas Michelle. Nice to see that your house is actually still standing", laughing, he hugs me and I blush again. After all this time, I'm still kind of embarrassed that everyone knows that we had sex in the kitchen back then. "Whatever there is to eat, it smells fabulous and I'm already hungry" Thor rubs his belly before he laughs and pulls me close. Bruce, Nat, Steve, Wanda, Vision and Pepper greet me one after the other before Tony comes in last. "Merry Christmas dear. In here it looks like a Christmas wonderland." "Yeah, I think I exaggerated a bit. I guess since it's my first real Christmas I just wanted it to be perfect." In fact, not only is this my first Christmas in our home, it's also my first real Christmas ever. Christmas was not celebrated in the orphanage and after that with Rumlow there was no such thing. And last Christmas I wasn't myself and I wasn't with my family. I also invited Zemo for today, but Christmas is not his thing. "It's perfect Michelle" Tony hugs me lovingly and once again I feel so safe with him. The way you feel when your own father hugs you. Even if he is not my biological father, he has stood by me like a father in many moments. After everyone has arrived, everyone gathers in the living room where Bucky has lit a fire in the fireplace. I didn't even notice that he, Leon, Loki and Morgan came back downstairs. I go to him and say hello to everyone again, "I'm really happy that you've all come. Make yourself comfortable. The meal should be ready in half an hour." While I am preparing the puree for the starter, arms wrap around me from behind - one metallic and one strong, warm, human. "Can I help you with anything honey?" Bucky's chin rests on my shoulder as he watches me cook. "No thanks baby. But you can call everyone into the dining room, the starter will be ready soon." He kisses me on the cheek and walks out of the kitchen. I challenged myself while cooking today. I serve course after course and everything is absolutely delicious. For starters there are fried chilli scallops on pumpkin puree - for Morgan and Leon there are fish fingers instead of the mussels. It continues with beef fillet, green asparagus, potato gratin and sauce - since Leon and Morgan didn't like the fillet, they got sausages instead. Last but not least, there is a layered dessert with three different layers - a layer of cheesecake cream, a layer of mashed raspberries and a layer of gingerbread crumble. "That was absolutely delicious, dear. And everything exactly to the point," says Pepper, praising the food. "It's a shame that you don't live with us anymore. Now there is food from the delivery service way too often again," complains Wanda before she slips the last spoon of her dessert into her mouth. "We'll just celebrate everything here in the future. Then Michelle "has to" cook for us more often again" suggests Thor jokingly and everyone nods in agreement. "You are welcome here anytime. You know that I have always enjoyed cooking for you," I chuckle and sigh with satisfaction as I lean my head on Bucky's shoulder. While small conversations develop everywhere, I just enjoy the evening contentedly. "That was wonderful baby" Bucky leans his head against mine, his hand resting on my thigh. "Do you really think so? Wasn't it too much?" "It was perfect. A little extravagant but perfect." I snuggle up a little closer to him. "Daddy? Can we finally open our presents now?" Morgan wobbles in her chair impatiently. Tony looks at me and I nod. "Of course. What do you say? Are we all going into the living room?" Tony and Bucky hand out the presents until there is a small pile in front of each one. To be honest, the piles in front of Morgan and Leon are anything but small. When I consider that Leon already received a bunch of presents this morning, it is hard to believe that he will get as many again. At some point, except for Bucky, Leon, and I, everyone opened their presents. The cutest present was definitely Peter for MJ. An amber necklace in the shape of a star that sparkled beautifully in the glow of the flames in the fireplace. The two are so cute together. They hold hands all the time and as soon as they sit somewhere, Peter pulls her into his arms. They both remind me a little of Bucky and me. When Leon has now opened most of his presents, Tony takes one of the two huge packages and says almost solemnly, "this is from Pepper, Bruce, Steve, Peter, MJ and me." Bucky helps Leon unpack. There is a self-made tool trolley under the paper. Leon immediately starts to get the tools out. "That's a really cool idea Tony, thank you," thanks Bucky on Leon's behalf. "Admittedly, that is a really great gift. But wait until he sees our present" Loki now pushes the other huge package towards Leon, "this is from Thor, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Sam and me." Again Bucky helps Leon unpack and a little later a balance bike comes to light. It's silver and has flames on the frame. It has a little shark-shaped squeeze horn on the steering wheel. Leon happily squeezes the horn and dances around. "That's really cool too," I say and look at everyone, "Thanks a lot for the gifts." "Last but not least, I have gifts for my two favorite men." I give Bucky his present and take Leon on my lap, who is about to tear the paper of his present. "Baby you know that you didn't have to give me anything. With you two I have everything I could ever wish for," says Bucky, but still looks happy. When Leon has unpacked the small jewelry box, he admires the bracelet in it. I take it out and put it around his wrist. "Thanks ..... mommy" he says and I could burst with joy. My little boy grew up so quickly. He can speak smaller sentences, but mostly doesn't say anything except for Mommy and Daddy. I cuddle him up to me what makes him squeak. I am eagerly waiting for Bucky to unwrap his present. When he sees the leather bracelet with the silver plate on which Leon's name and his footprint are engraved, I see tears welling up in his eyes. I very much hope they are tears of joy. "Do you like it?" I ask uncertainly when he doesn't say anything. "I love it" he kisses me lovingly. "I also have something for you." Bucky pulls an elongated velvet box out of his pocket and hands it to me. In the box I see a silver necklace with a teardrop-shaped onyx diamond set in a setting made of sparkling little diamonds. "Bucky .... the necklace is beautiful" I kiss him "thank you." I turn my back to him and he puts the necklace on me. For the rest of the evening we all sit comfortably together, drink, chat and watch Leon and Morgan play. My first Christmas was just perfect. I could never have imagined it more beautiful.

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