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The time in the jet flies by. The tension that grips us all is palpable. Nobody speaks a word. When the jet lands in Wakanda and the hatch opens, I'm so nervous my legs can barely carry me.

Bucky: You alright baby?

I nod, but I'm not so sure myself. Bucky gives me a quick kiss before interlacing his fingers with mine and we follow the others outside.

Steve: T'Challa - thanks for your help in this situation.

T'Challa: No need to thank me. If your world is in danger, so is ours.

Steve: Thanks anyway. We will not take any more time than absolutely necessary.

T'Challa: You are all welcome here for as long as you wish to stay.

In turn, everyone greets T'Challa.

Bucky: Nice to be back. Even if the circumstances could be nicer.

Michelle: Nice to see you again T'Challa. I just wish the circumstances were less threatening.

T'Challa: It's good to see you again too. Thats right. But someday we will see each other again under happier circumstances.

Steve: I don't want to rush, but we should start.

Only now do I notice Shuri standing a bit behind T'Challa.

Shuri: Then follow me. I have already prepared everything in my laboratory.

All of this is really sureal. There's complete silence as we all follow Shuri into her lab. The only sound is our footsteps on the gleaming marble floor. Arrived in her laboratory, we stand there like lambs waiting to be led to the slaughterhouse.

Shuri: Would you please lie down on the bunk Vision?

Vision: Of course Ms. Shuri.

Wanda follows closely behind Vision and holds his hand while Shuri begins her examination. Whatever she sees seems to fascinate her. Given the situation, her face almost lights up with excitement. That's kinda weird. On the other hand, Shuri is just a very bright and interested young woman. And from a purely technical point of view, Vision should is an absolute marvel for anyone.

Shuri: Fascinating! I've never seen anything like this before.

T'Challa: Can you remove the stone without killing Vision?

Shuri: Of course I can, brother.

She seems almost a little offended by his question.

Steve: And how long will it take?

Shuri: Hard to say. But definitely a few hours.

Michelle: Then the rest of us should step back and let Shuri work in peace.

Wanda: You can go, I'll stay here with Vision.

I hug Wanda before Bucky grabs my hand again and leads me outside. T'Challa leads us into a large room - sort of like his office, I'm guessing - and we spread out around the room. Bucky drops into one of the armchairs and I snuggle up on his lap. Who knows what else will happen. Until then, I will take every opportunity to be close to him. I guess he feels the same way. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

Sam: Do you think Wanda can handle this?

Steve: She'll have to.

Nat: Considering the circumstances, she's doing pretty well.

Just the thought of something going wrong and her losing Vision makes me want to burst into tears. I lower my head onto Bucky's shoulder and bury my face in his neck.

Bucky: Everything will be fine. And Shuri will definitely be successful.

Michelle: And no matter what, we will all be there for her.

I mumble, my face still on Bucky's neck. Silence spreads through the room until Nat eventually breaks it.

Nat: Have any of you heard from the others?

Steve: Not yet. But for now, I'll take that as a good sign.

I really hope that's a good sign. I still have hope that we can avert the catastrophe that Thanos represents for the world.

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