That's called blackmail

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A while later, no idea how long it actually takes, Bucky comes into the room. In his hands two pizza boxes and a small bag.

Bucky: I got us some food. I was suddenly so hungry that I realized we hadn't eaten anything all day.

That's so sweet of him. But if I'm completely honest, I don't feel like eating anything at the moment. This whole "what if it doesn't work" thing is killing my appetite.

Michelle: That's sweet of you baby. But I'm not really hungry.

He shakes his head in amusement before sitting down on the mattress in front of me.

Bucky: I almost thought you'd say that. But...... if you eat at least a little something I have a surprise for you afterwards.

Michelle: Can't I just have the surprise?

Bucky: Nope. you have to eat something. At least one slice of pizza? Deal?

Michelle: That's blackmail. Lucky for you I'm curious. Give me the pizza.

I reach out to him and he hands me one of the two pizza boxes. Even through the closed box I can smell the pizza and my mouth is watering. Well, maybe i'm a little hungry after all. Bucky crawls onto the mattress next to me and immediately begins to eat. 

Michelle' Mind: Ok Michelle, let's earn your surprise then.

I open the pizza box and pause when I see what's inside. The pizza inside is not round like it usually is. It's shaped like a heart and has my absolute favorite toppings - ham and spinach. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that Bucky has stopped eating and is looking over at me. This is so cute. But how did he get the pizza maker to shape the pizza like this? I look up at him and feel like I'm flying as I catch his gaze - so full of love. This heart shaped pizza is just another way for him to show me how much he loves me and that he will never leave me alone again. The butterflies inside me rage with happiness.

Michelle: That's so sweet of you Bucky. But how did you manage to get the pizza shaped like that?

Bucky: Well... I might have paid extra and left a big tip.

Michelle: Thank you.

I lean over and kiss him.

Bucky: Anytime. Especially when I get to see that sweet smile on your face.

I slide closer to him so we can cuddle while we eat and watch TV. In fact, after the first bite, I realize how hungry I am. Before that, my feeling of hunger was once again suppressed by sadness and fear. I ate all of the pizza except for two slices.

Michelle: That was now even more than one slice of pizza. Do I get my surprise now?

Bucky: Sure, here.

Bucky hands me the little bag that was on the bedside table next to him the whole time. And again I'm surprised how attentive he always is. Inside the bag is a small box with a note on it. 

Message on the note: I donut know what i'd do without you <3 

The box contains small balls of donut dough that are completely coated in powdered sugar. Another thing I absolutely love to eat. My favorite pastry ever. I'm really speechless.

Michelle: Bucky......

Bucky: Those are the ones you like, aren't they?

It's cute how quickly he worries that I might not like something just because I'm speechless.

Michelle: Yes. Thank you baby. I don't know what I would do without you either.

I put one of the balls in my mouth and moan with pleasure as the taste spreads inside.

Michelle: Do you want one?

Bucky nods and I hold the box out to him. I climb onto his lap and kiss him tenderly.

Michelle: Thanks Bucky.

Bucky: What for?

Michelle: For always finding a way to brighten my dark thoughts and for being here with me.

He wraps his arms tighter around me and rubs his nose on my cheek.

Bucky: Always. And should the day come when I can't make you smile, I'll still be there and get through the dark thoughts with you.

Michelle: I love you so much Bucky.

Bucky: I love you too Michelle.

When we finish eating the donut balls, Bucky takes the wrappers to the trash in the kitchen before we snuggle up in bed and fall asleep watching TV. The last thing on my mind before I fall asleep wrapped in his arms is my children. Will I really see them again soon?

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