Yes i do

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Tony and I are standing in front of the sliding door in the living room. My eyes fall on the pavilion under which Bucky and the priest are already waiting for me. I only realize I've been nervously clinging to Tony's arm when he puts his hand on mine reassuringly. "You could still run away. I could be in your driveway with a getaway car in two minutes," jokes Tony. "No need. I love Bucky and I can't wait to be Mrs. Barnes." "Then let's go. Your future husband can't wait either." I take a deep breath and just as soft music starts I take the first step. Accompanied by soft harp and violin sounds, Tony leads me down the aisle. All eyes are on me and when Bucky sees me his eyes are so full of love that I want to run towards him. Tony hands me over solemnly and gives Bucky a friendly hug before taking his place with Morgan, Pepper and Leon. "Hey" I whisper as we face each other. "Hey future Mrs. Barnes," Bucky whispers back, resting his forehead on mine. I don't really get anything from the ceremony. I'm way too mesmerized by the fact that I'm here marrying the man who turned my life upside down and saved me. The man who gave me everything I ever wanted in life. It's only when the time comes for Bucky and I to recite our self-written vows that I focus on anything other than his eyes. Bucky squeezes my hands as he begins to speak "the day i first saw you in this bar, i knew you would turn my whole life upside down. I was blown away by you immediately. We endured so much together - which only made us stronger as a couple" he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye "and when i thought that i couldn't get happier you surprised me again and gave me our son. I will protect you both forever. You complete me. I love you more than my own life and I look forward so much to the life that lies ahead." Tears stream down my face as Bucky slips the ring onto my finger. He wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. My voice cracks as I say my vow "you saved me Bucky. In more ways than you can imagine. Without you, I probably wouldn't be here anymore" at the memory of Rumlow nearly killing me, I grab Bucky's hands tighter and the exact same thoughts seem to be running through his head. "Every day you show me that i am worth loving. And even if it seemed like fate had separated us, we found our way back to each other. When i see our son, i see the family we started and i finally know that i 've got where i always wanted to go. With our family, a dream has come true for me. Thank you for showing me what love is. I will love you forever. I can't wait for our forever to begin." I slip the ring onto Bucky's finger and listen to the priest for the first time. "By virtue of the office bestowed upon me, I pronounce you husband and wife," glancing at Bucky, he says, "you may kiss the bride now." He doesn't have to tell Bucky that twice. He gently takes my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine with a loving passion that takes my breath away. "I love you Michelle." "I love you too James." Loud clapping and cheering broke out around us. We walk down the aisle past the happy faces of our friends. Even though he tries to hide it, I catch Sam wiping tears from his face. Even if he's always kind of grumpy towards Bucky, everyone knows that the two actually really like each other. One by one we are hugged and showered with congratulations. "Mommy" calls Leon, carried in Loki's arms. "Hello my darling" I take him in my arms and hug him tightly. He looks so cute in his little tuxedo. Bucky gives us both a hug and we enjoy a quiet little family moment - just the three of us. When A Thousand Years by Christina Perri is played, Bucky looks at me intently. "Please dance with me Mrs. Barnes." As if on cue, Loki is there and takes Leon from me. I take Bucky's hand and follow him onto the dance floor that has been set up in the garden. His hands rest on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck and we sway to the music in a tight embrace. "When I saw you in that dress for the first time earlier, I thought my heart would stop. You look fantastically beautiful. And now the whole world finally knows that you belong to me," Bucky whispers in my ear. I kiss his neck before just resting my head on his chest. "I was yours long before that, Bucky," I sigh contentedly. After a few minutes the dance floor fills up. Peter and Mj, Tony and Pepper, Wanda and Vision and... -Nat and Bruce? - join us dancing. Ok, I have to ask Nat what's going on between her and Bruce. After dancing for a while, we all take our places at the table and consume a delicious meal. It's only when I smell the flavors of the food that I realize how hungry I am. Tony and Steve give short but beautiful speeches that make me cry again. Everything here makes me so happy I overreact emotionally. After the meal, the soft sounds change into groovy music. This time everyone gathers on the dance floor. Loki dances with Leon - the cutest thing I've ever seen - and Tony and Pepper take turns dancing with Morgan. As Bucky and I do some kind of boogie, someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn and throw myself into the arms of the person in front of me, screaming. "Zemo!!! You made it!" "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I missed your wedding completely. You look beautiful and overjoyed." "I'm overjoyed. And now that you're here too, the day is absolutely perfect." "I'm glad that everything turned out for the best for you and that you have your life back. Even if it's really boring at home without you," admits Zemo. "You are always welcome here if you get bored at home." Zemo and I are now a little off the beaten track. Out of the corner of my eye I see Bucky happily watching us. "Thank you Zemo. For everything you did for me when I didn't know who I was. For being the only family I had for a long time." "I would do it again anytime." We hug and again I have to wipe tears from my face. I know that people sometimes cry at weddings, but I'm so emotional that I actually just cry. "Enough of the sentimental words. Let's party." Zemo leads me back onto the dance floor where Bucky immediately wraps his arms around me. But before Bucky and I can even exchange a kiss, Wanda pulls me away. "Sorry Bucky, but the bride is ours now. Have fun boys." She pushes me over to Nat, Mj and Pepper who are already waiting for me with filled champagne flutes. "To Mrs. and Mr. Barnes" Nat holds up her glass and we toast. For the next hour, my girlfriends completely confiscate me. And even if I don't really want to miss Bucky for a second, I can't imagine anything nicer than celebrating here with the girls. A quick glance at Bucky tells me he's in good hands. He's at the bar with Zemo, Steve, Thor, Sam, and Tony, laughing at something Steve said. When Thor pulls out a flask, I shake my head in amusement. Super Soldiers don't get drunk on regular alcohol. But when Thor pulls out that special Asgardian alcohol, even the Super Soldier Serum can't do much. The girls and I roar onto the dance floor just as Girls Just Wanna Have Fun starts playing. I love this day, I love life, I love my life.

Saved - A Bucky Barnes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now