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"Of course I brought him with me, our son needs his father" I hold Leon in my arms and watch Bucky lying sleepily on a mattress in a small hut.

"NO! Let me go!" I am grabbed and dragged away by several men while I watch Bucky get beaten up by Rumlow and a few other agents.

We are at a masked ball. Bucky and I dance, drink, and have the most fun in a while.

"How are you two?" asks Wanda, who comes into Leon's nursery looking worried. "Oh we're fine. Such a fresh diaper works wonders," I say while i close Leon's romper and lift him up.  

A fight. Rumlow beats me unconscious before angrily pushing me through a window. I lie on the sidewalk, close to death, and hear someone calling the ambulance as if filtered through cotton wool.

Another sequence of a party. This time Bucky and I dance tightly together. We look each other in the eye and I know I want to spend the rest of my life by this man's side. I love him more than my own life.

I'm in the hospital, Leon's birth is imminent. Tony is with me and holds my hand. I'm afraid. Fear of childbirth, fear of not being a good mother, and fear that Bucky will never return to us.  

I'm lying on a cot in a sterile room. I am connected to various machines and feel something being injected into me. I am in pain so bad that I pass out again, hoping that this time it will be the last time.
I'm sitting on a ferris wheel with Bucky. We are at the highest point and I feel like I can touch the stars in the dark night sky. His warm hand holds mine.

"Leon the little kickboxer" fascinated Bucky looks at my baby bump and gently strokes it. His eyes widen as Leon kicks his hand.

Pain, pain and more pain. My whole body seems to consist only of this one feeling. Rumlow is standing next to me and is just closing his pants after raping and beating me again.

"Hey my little one. Daddy will always be there for you from now on" Bucky looks at Leon lovingly and holds him in his arms. 

"Let me out!" Desperate, I pound my fists on the door of my cell. "Please ... let me go" the desperation takes over and I break down crying.

 We're in a park - Leon, Bucky and me. Leon takes his first clumsy steps and Bucky holds his hands. I sit on a blanket and watch the two of them. Seeing the two men I love more than anything together fills my heart with so much love that I think it's about to explode.

"Daddy will be back" I'm standing on a balcony, holding Leon in my arms and we look out into the night. "Wherever you are Bucky, please ... come back to us. We need you here."

Everything blurs, becomes indistinct and before I know it I am drawn into a gigantic vortex that ends in impenetrable darkness.  

Saved - A Bucky Barnes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now