Looks like Loki has some competition

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After Bucky and I finally make it out of bed, we spend the whole day on the yacht. We watch movies, relax in the hot tub - among other things - and take afternoon naps on deck in the sun. In the evening we cooked together - actually I cooked and Bucky distracted me the whole time - and ate upstairs in the lounge. It's already so late that it's getting dark and the stars are twinkling in the sky. Peep peep - my phone is ringing. I look at the display and see messages from Loki. He sent various pictures and videos that must have been taken in the last few days.

Loki's Message: I thought you wanted to see how well your son is doing. Although I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous that I don't seem to be his number one anymore ;)

Michelle: Look baby, Loki sent pictures and videos of Leon.

I snuggle closer to him and hold my phone so we can both look at it. A few pictures show Leon at a small stream, throwing stones into the water, splashing around in it and letting a homemade paper boat sail. Other pictures - and cute as they are I don't know what to think of them - show him with lots of candy. Ice cream, gummy bears, cookies - everything you can imagine.

Michelle: I told Tony not to let Leon eat so much candy.

I mumble under my breath and Bucky hugs me tighter, chuckling. The video shows Leon and Tony sitting on the floor together in the living room and driving cars around a small racetrack. Loki appears in the picture and asks if he can play with them, to which Leon makes it very clear that he can't. Tony then bursts out laughing.

Bucky: Looks like Loki actually has competition. I hope our son hasn't forgotten us both by the time we get back.

Michelle: It's definitely just a phase. I don't think anyone is really a competition for Loki, except maybe us. Leon loves him from the start.

I have no idea what connects the two. But from the start it was like Leon chose Loki to be his best friend. I am already looking forward to being able to hold my little darling in my arms again. As beautiful as it is here, I will never leave my baby alone for two weeks again. I put the phone aside and slide onto Bucky's lap, resting my head on his.

Michelle: As beautiful as it is here, I can't wait to take my little darling in my arms again.

Bucky: Me too. Someday we'll come back here with him.

Michelle: I can't wait.

I gently rub my nose against his cheek. Instantly, that tingling feeling fills me up again. I shift my position so that I'm now straddling his lap and pressing my lips gently to his. Bucky's hands slip under the tunic I'm wearing and run up and down my back. But before anything can really happen, an oppressive, disgusting feeling suddenly spreads in my stomach. The next moment I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I make it to the bathroom before bile rushes up and I vomit. I can't tell you how long I've been kneeling over the toilet and puking, but it feels like an eternity.

Bucky: Baby? Is everything ok?

Bucky calls from outside. His concern is clear to hear.

Michelle: Yes. Don't worry.

I try to calm him down, but I am sure that I am not successful. My voice sounds totally shaky. When I haven't had to puke for a few minutes, I slowly sit up and go to the sink. There I brush my teeth and splash some cold water on my face. I must have been in the bathroom for quite a long time. Because when I come out again, Bucky has already cleaned up everything on deck and is sitting on the sofa. The TV is on, but he's not really looking. When I appear in the doorway, he is immediately at my side.

Bucky: Are you okay?

Michelle: I don't know.

Bucky: Come here. I'm sure cuddling helps.

He picks me up and carries me the few steps over to the sofa. Then he puts me down and cuddles up to me. It may just be a psychological effect, but being in his arms actually helps.

Michelle: It's much better that way.

He rubs my back soothingly and kisses my forehead. Suddenly I'm so tired. I fall asleep to the sound of the TV and the heave of Bucky's chest.

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