In the rain

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"Thanks for the great day Bucky" I say as we walk home through the snow. "You're welcome. I had a lot of fun too. I'm glad you had fun and if I could distract you the whole thing was a double success." We pause for a moment and look at each other. And then it hits me like a blow. I love this man. He is my personal guardian angel. He came out of nowhere when I needed him most. While we are strolling home, the snow, which had started to fall again in the meantime, has turned into rain. Neither of us has an umbrella with us. But we don't care. On the contrary - at some point we both suddenly stop at the same time. I notice that Bucky is looking at me from the side and I turn to him. And all I can think of when I see him soaking wet in front of me is how I would love to kiss him. This gentle, lovely, wonderful man, who has turned my whole life upside down, stands in front of me and looks at me as if he thinks exactly the same thing. And indeed, as if he could read my mind, he leans down to me just as I approach him on tiptoe. As our lips meet, fireworks are kindled in my heart. The kiss is so tender and loving as I've never experienced it before. The rain on our faces feels like tears of joy. I wish this moment would never end. As we break apart we smile shyly at each other, my forehead leaning against his. Then suddenly the ground has disappeared from under my feet. Bucky pulled me into a euphoric hug and whirled me through the air. I can't help but laugh with happiness as I look at him. In the few weeks that I have known him, he has brought so much happiness, joy and love into my life. All the years that I've spent with Brock, I thought that I didn't deserve to experience good things. But Bucky is about to convince me otherwise. "As much as I'd like to just stand here at this moment - I guess we should take you home. It's freezing cold and your clothes are all wet. Not that you will catch a cold," says Bucky after putting me back on the floor . Only now do I realize how cold I actually feel. I guess he's right and we should move on. It only takes a few minutes to get back to the tower. In the elevator I snuggle up to him to alleviate the shivering caused by the cold. When the elevator doors open upstairs, we are greeted by a lively Morgan who is sitting with Pepper and Tony in the living room and is watching a movie. "Michelle, Bucky are you watching TV with us?" she asks with wide eyes. "Another time, sweetie. But Bucky and I are very wet and we are totally cold. We have to warm up first" I say while I take off my wet jacket. "All right," she says and turns back to the television. Pepper and Tony just nod understandingly at each other as we both head towards the bedroom. I open the door to my room and Bucky follows me inside. Even though I'm still wearing my wet clothes, I turn to him and pull him over for a kiss. This time the kiss is a little more urgent. He hugs me and we both explore each other's body with our hands. He puts his hands under my shirt when suddenly I can't breathe. Memories of the countless times Brock had sex with me against my will surge to the surface. I put my hands on his chest and push him away from me. "Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Bucky asks, and the guilty sound of his voice breaks my heart. "No. It's just ... I ..." I can't pronounce it. "Brock?" asks Bucky and I feel his body tense up. I can only nod while hanging my head. "Hey," he lifts my chin with his fingers, "it's all right. We won't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I want you to feel safe and secure with me." He gives me a kiss on the forehead and hugs me tightly when he notices that I have started to cry. "How about you take a hot shower, snuggle up in bed and I'll bring you something to eat?" I can't believe how caring he is. I wipe the rest of the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand and nod. He gives me another kiss on the forehead before leaving me alone. I slowly go to the bathroom where I throw my wet clothes in the bathtub and take a shower. The hot water on my ice-cold skin hurts at first. But the next moment it's just a relief. When I'm done, I quickly blow dry my hair before I put on cozy clothes. Then I lie down in bed and pull the covers tightly around me. I just turned on the TV when the door to the room opens and Bucky comes in. Apparently he has changed too. He's wearing his dark pajamas and a white shirt again and his hair looks dry, he probably took a shower too. He has a tray with him on which there are two mugs of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "I couldn't find anything else in a hurry. But if you're really hungry we can order something," says Bucky as he puts the tray on my bedside table. "It's okay," I say with a smile as he hands me one of the two cups. I pull back the covers and pat the mattress. Bucky sits down next to me, covers himself up and takes the other cup before placing the plate with the cookies between us. I cuddle up against him carefully, making sure that the cookies stay on the plate. "Can we watch a movie?" I ask him and look up at him. "Of course. What do you want to watch?" "How about Mighty Ducks? I think that would be the perfect way to end our ice skating date." Bucky nods and laughs while leaning his head on mine. We lay there for the next few hours, drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies and watching all three Mighty Ducks films. The last thing I remember is how I lie in his arms, my head on his chest and he keeps giving me kisses on the top of the head before I must have fallen asleep at some point.

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