I could take care of her

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When he takes a seat next to me, I shyly smile at him from the side. "Good morning Bucky." "Good morning Michelle" he looks around the dining table and seems to be amazed that there is actually something real for breakfast. When I notice how he looks around I ask him if he would like to have some breakfast too. "In fact, I would die for a good breakfast," he says and theatrically sinks back in his chair. Laughing, I get up and go back to the kitchen where I prepare a plate of pancakes for Bucky. I go back to the table with a cup of coffee and put both in front of him. I can tell he's surprised. I can't say whether it's because of the breakfast or because I served it to him. When I sit down on the chair next to him again he looks at me and says "thank you Michelle. But you didn't have to bring it to me." He takes a sip of coffee and happily begins to eat. "No problem. I like doing things like that. Cooking, serving food. I just like being a hostess." I watch spellbound as he chews the first bite extensively. Even if the others reacted positively and devoured the pancakes, I only now realize how important Bucky's opinion is to me. I hope it's not too obvious that I'm waiting for his verdict. "They taste damn good," he says with a beaming smile. "It's nice to finally get something real to eat. I don't think anyone here can even come close to cooking." "Maybe I should do that more often then" I think and only notice when Loki and Thor nod in agreement that I have also said it out loud. After a while the group dissolves so much that only Bucky and I are sitting at the table. While Bucky is having breakfast, I have my coffee and think about things. I remember making breakfast for Brock once. Just like today there were pancakes. Only that Brock always had something to complain about in everything. In the end he threw the pancakes and the plate against the wall. That was one of the few days he didn't beat me up afterwards. I subconsciously compare Bucky's reaction to Brock's. The fact that I actually thought what Brock gave me was love makes me sad. What I let do to me out of misunderstood love. "Michelle", Bucky pulls me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I look at him confused. He seems to notice that I'm sad. He grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it briefly. "I wanted to know how you slept? You looked pretty exhausted last night." "Quite well. Better than I thought possible," I say, smile at him and leave it unspoken that I owe him the quiet and restful night. "I'm glad. By the way, you missed more than half of the second film," he shakes his head in mock disbelief. There it is again. This ease with which he always drives away my gloomy thoughts. "So do you have any plans for today?" I ask Bucky. I don't even know what to do with myself all day. I used to do things for Brock and go to work in the evenings. The doctors have ordered me to rest so that I will not go back to work for the time being. And I have to admit, I don't even know if I want to go back to the bar. I love my colleagues and I like to be a waitress, but Brock could ambush me there. I know that it is wrong to let the fear of him rule my life, but I just can't fight it yet. "To be honest, I actually have plans. Steve and I have something to do later. We'll probably be out all day." This answer gives me a little pang. But I try not to let it show. What did I think? That Bucky, just because I'm here now, will focus his life entirely on me? In fact, I don't even know what to do when you have the time. Only now do I notice that I have hardly any interest. I've been with Brock since I was eighteen and he always decided everything for me. Told me what to like and what not to like. Bucky is about to say something when Tony walks into the kitchen. He's on the phone and sounds frustrated. "No, it's ok Pepper. Yes, I have no idea how, but somehow I can manage it," he says. For a brief moment there is silence before he cautiously says "I love you" and then ends the conversation. He goes to the coffee machine and pours himself a cup. "Trouble in Paradise?" asks Bucky when Tony comes to our table. Tony sighs annoyed. "Pepper should actually be back this afternoon. But ... she had a few appointments in between and she will be away for a few more days. Since I also have an appointment this afternoon and the team is on a mission, I have no one to look after Morgan." He looks like he's thinking hard and is fiddling with the handle of his coffee cup. "I could take care of her," I blurt out. Bucky looks at me in surprise while Tony thinks about it for a moment. "You don't have to do that. I'll find someone." "That would really be no problem Tony, I would like to do it. And I am sure, since she was allowed to help me with the pancakes earlier, she loves me. And I have nothing else to do," I say and i am actually happy at the thought of taking care of Morgan. Since Bucky wants to be there when I get my things out of my apartment, I can't do that today either. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Bucky is still looking at me in amazement. I hope it's positive amazement. Tony smiles gratefully at me. "That would really be of great help to me. But only if you really don't mind. You don't have to feel obliged to." "Don't worry, this is going to be fun." "Thank you, Michelle. It could be late until I get back, though. I can't say when the others will be back. Except for Peter. He should be back around four o'clock, he's only at school today." I'm not entirely sure - is Tony trying to talk me out of taking care of Morgan or not? But first, I really like the little one and second, it's the least I can do, isn't it? "No problem. I'll take care of both of them. And I make sure that both of them don't go to bed too late," I say and think I see Bucky smiling proudly. "Perfect! With that you really take a load off my shoulders. Then I'll check on my little one and tell her that she's spending the day with you." He smiles at me again before disappearing from the kitchen with his coffee mug. "What?" I ask Bucky when he is still staring at me without a word after a few minutes. "What was that? Tony is actually totally picky about who's taking care of Morgan" he actually seems incredulous. "I guess my pancakes really made an impression," I laugh and tell him how Morgan helped me make the pancakes. Now there's that proud, satisfied look on Bucky's face again as he speaks. "Then Morgan must have really taken you into her heart. Usually she's at least as picky as her father. If not more." It's strange, but it actually means a hell of a lot to me that Morgan seems to like me. Maybe I'm not as useless and stupid as I always feel. It's unbelievable how much Brock destroyed my self-esteem. Bucky looks at the clock and suddenly jumps up. "Fuck, I forgot about the time. I have to go, or Steve will complain again because I'm late." He gives me a short hug and also disappears from the kitchen. I tidy up the kitchen and inspect the cupboards again in detail to get a better picture of the food situation. The basics like pasta, spices, bread are there, but to make a real dinner for Peter, Morgan and me tonight, I definitely have to go shopping. It is five minutes to one in the afternoon when almost all Avengers have already left the Tower. I sit in my room and sap through the TV channels, bored. At some point there is a knock on my door. "Come in" I call. The door opens and Bucky comes in. This time it is my turn to be amazed and stare at him. He wears black pants and a black jacket with the left sleeve missing so you can see his metal arm. I can't say what kind of material these things are made of, but they accentuate every muscle in his body perfectly. "Hey, Steve and I will be gone too. Are you okay?" he looks worried. I turn off the TV and watch him. "Yes, everything is fine. And Morgan and I are not alone for long either. Tony leaves shortly before Peter comes back." Somehow what I'm saying only seems to worry him more. I walk up to him and stop briefly in front of him. I confidently say, "besides, my ex-boyfriend doesn't even know where I am." "Still, if there is anything you can call me at any time," he says and gently grabs my hand with his human hand. "What? Do you think Spiderman can't protect me?" I giggle, but stop immediately when I see his face looking increasingly troubled. "Ok, if anything should happen I'll give you a call. I promise." When he leaves he seems a little calmer. I decide to go down to the garden where Tony is playing with Morgan. He wanted to spend some more time with her before he had to go to his appointment. I take the elevator down and am surprised how cozy the garden looks. Morgan sees me from afar and comes running towards me. "Michelle !!" She runs towards me and I spin her through the air. Just as I drop her off, Tony comes to us. "Um Tony, I wanted to go shopping. I need a few more things to make dinner later," I hesitate and he looks at me waiting. "Um ... could you come with me?" Morgan immediately agrees and begs her father to say yes. I don't know what to do if Tony says no. I thought about going shopping alone, but the mere thought of it makes me sick and my breathing becomes uncontrollable. What if Brock does know where I am and lies in wait for me? What if he's just waiting to meet me alone? Tony seems to notice that the thought of going alone scares me. "Sure. Shall we go right away?" I nod and we go to the garage together and drive to the nearest supermarket. I buy the ingredients for different dishes because I haven't quite decided what I'm going to cook. While Tony looks rather bored, Morgan hops happily next to the shopping cart. As I am about to pay at the cash register, Tony takes my wallet out of my hand and pays in turn. I feel uncomfortable. He's letting me live in the tower for free. It's the least that I'll pay for the purchase. Tony seems to notice this emotion too. "Don't even think about saying anything about it. You belong to us now. The others all use their community credit card. I'll have one made for you. You can then use this for purchases that everyone has something of." I give up. Tony's tone is affectionate, but so determined that I know he won't change his mind about it. When we are back home Tony says goodbye to both of us and goes to his appointment. "Ok Morgan, will you help me put the groceries away?" She nods enthusiastically and starts clearing the shopping bags. She kneels on one of the stools so that she can put the things on the counter. As soon as the groceries are out of the pockets, I stow them away. From there the day goes by in a flash. We paint together and dress up as Disney princesses while the Frozen is on the big TV in the living room in the background. At some point in between, Peter came home from school. He only said hello briefly and has been in his room ever since. I guess he's doing homework or something. Morgan is a real whirlwind. Although it is exhausting on the one hand, I am absolutely happy. I have always wished for a little brother or sister, but unfortunately I was never allowed to experience what it is like to have a brother or a sister. "I'm hungry" says Morgan at some point and when I look at the clock I notice that it is already six o'clock. I pick her up and place her on the side of my hip. We go to the kitchen together. "Ok little lady. Will you help me make dinner?"

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