New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve! As at Christmas, we invited the others back to us. Only that we will celebrate a real theme party this time. A 40s themed party. This time Bucky and I prepared everything together and Leon helped us as best he could. Bucky even got an old record player and countless records for today. To make it a little more relaxed for me, we hired a caterer today who is currently setting up a buffet in the dining room. I'm with Leon right now, in his room, and I'm changing his clothes. For tonight we had him tailor a miniature version of the uniform that Bucky wore in the 1940s. I've never seen Bucky in his uniform before. At least not live. In the pictures he showed me he wore them and my God he looks good in them. So handsome. "Now you look even more like Daddy," I say as Leon smiles happily at me. Bucky must have looked just like Leon when he was a little boy. "Where's daddy?" "Daddy is just getting changed. Shall we go see if the uniform looks as good on him as it looks on you?" Leon nods and holds out his arms to me. I pick him up and go to our bedroom. And indeed - the uniform looks a lot better in real life than in the photos. I'm lucky to have Leon in my arms. Otherwise I would rip off Bucky's uniform and we would both not be dressed when our guests came. However, my face seems to give me away. Our eyes meet in the mirror and while Bucky is tying his tie, he glares at me devilishly. He turns to us with a swing. "How do I look?" he asks even though he already knows the answer. It's really a miracle I don't actually drool. "Good," I say in a squeaky voice. I am not able to say more. He comes to me, kisses me tenderly before taking Leon in his arms. "Who is this good looking little guy?" he asks enthusiastically. Now that they're actually next to each other, the similarity is even more evident. Like Bucky a few seconds ago, Leon pulls on his lapel tie as if he were tying it. "Don't you have to change too?" I follow his gaze to the clock. Shit, the others are coming in half an hour. "Um, yes, I should probably do that." The two are already on their way outside when I stop Bucky. I stand on tiptoe and whisper in his ear "will the sergeant show me later how he seduced his lover in the 40s?" "The sergeant has been waiting for that all day," he mumbles back before leaving the room with Leon. Those mere words send a shiver down my spine. I quickly jump in the shower and twist my wet hair into large curlers. While they air dry I put on make-up as it was typical in the 40s. Powder that makes my skin appear even and rosy. Dark brown shimmering eyeshadow and a thinly drawn eyeliner. I emphasize my eyebrows and wear dark red lipstick, which makes my lips appear full and soft at the same time. Make up? Check! Next my outfit. At the very back of my closet I hid my today's outfit in the hope that Bucky won't see it beforehand. I opted for a black pencil skirt with a matching blazer with accentuated shoulders and a deep cleavage. Underneath I wear a black lace-trimmed corsage that emphasizes my breasts and pushes it up a little, a matching thong, a suspender belt and black transparent suspenders. The whole thing is rounded off by black heels. Bucky will love the outfit, especially what is only meant for his eyes. Last but not least, I put the necklace on that Bucky gave me for Christmas. Since my hair is not yet completely dry, I blow dry it. After taking the curlers out, thick curls fall over my shoulders. I dab them a little and pin them together at the back of my head so that curls still fall down my back. "Bucky is a happy man" I think as I look at myself in the mirror. My breasts and my ass are plump and clearly visible under the fabric. I would definitely want to fuck myself if I were a man. When I come downstairs, our guests are already there. I was so distracted getting ready that I didn't even hear the bell. Apparently the men have all taken the uniforms of Bucky and Steve as a model, they look like they all belong to the same regiment. The women, including Morgan, wear dresses with partially starched collars and pronounced shoulders. All in dark colors as well. I greet everyone and am very happy when I see that Peter brought MJ back with him. "Hey you two. Nice to see you again MJ" I hug both of them. We talk a little. Peter talks about a decathlon competition they recently had and raves about how smart and quick-witted MJ is. He's so cute when he talks about her. As if she were his entire world. But not only Peter is like that. She also raves about him and the two rays literally compete. Bucky must have played music in the meantime. Soft swing music fills the whole house. At some point during the conversation, an arm goes around my waist. "Excuse me miss. Would you do me the honor and dance with me?" Bucky purrs in my ear. I pretend I'm shocked and I twist myself out of his arm and look at him. "I don't think my fiancé would like this." He pulls me closer to him "then it's just a good thing that I'm said fiancé." He kisses me gently, almost taking my breath away. I giggle, wave to Peter and MJ and let him pull me into the middle of the living room where we've set up a small dance floor. Closely embraced, we swing to the gentle sounds of the music. Tony and Pepper, Peter and MJ and Wanda and Vision join us and dance too. "I haven't had a chance to tell you how beautiful you look tonight. If we had met in the 40s I would have tried everything to win you over," Bucky looks at me lovingly. "Really? And what exactly do I have to imagine by that?" "I would have taken you out. Dinner and dancing. I would have given you flowers on every date and would have stolen a quick kiss here and there. I would have asked your father for your hand and would have spent every day showing you that you were the greatest woman on the planet." Now I think it's almost a shame that we're not in the 40s. Bucky is always attentive and romantic. But the idea of ​​how he woos me like a gentlemen and only shyly stealing a kiss here and there makes me weak. "That would have worked in any case" I kiss him and forget the others around us for a moment. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see Tony standing in front of me. "Would you leave your fiancé alone for a moment and dance with me?" he asks, and I'd love to. Bucky hands me over and in turn asks Pepper for a dance. "You look overjoyed," he remarks as we begin to turn to the music. "I am. Have I ever really thanked you Tony?" "What should you thank me for?" "For everything. For taking me in when Bucky brought me home as a stranger after my hospital stay. For helping me through Leon's birth. Even when I came back with no memory, you never pushed me. You would have continued to take me in even if my memories had never returned. Even if I owe my life to Bucky, you have a huge part in making me as happy as I am now. Not to mention that my engagement ring fits perfectly thanks to you." His eyes shimmer with tears. "I was only too happy to do that, little one. In the beginning I admittedly only did it because of Bucky. But I grew very fond of you. It may sound cheesy, but I see you as a daughter, a big sister of Morgan. And I'll always be there for you. We are a family and no one will ever be able to change that." That's all I ever wanted. A family. And that's what I got. A father, siblings, a son and a man who loves me more than anything. "Tony? I wanted to ask you something." He looks at me waiting. So far it was just a mind game, but now I know that it is exactly the right thing. "Would ... would you take me to the altar on my wedding day and hand me over to Bucky?" Now he's actually crying. And a tear runs down my cheek as well. "I'd be honored Michelle." I hug him and he gives me a tight hug. We'll do a few more laps on the dance floor before I need a little break. I'm sitting on the sofa when Bucky falls down next to me. "Are you okay? I saw Tony cry." I lean on him "yes. Everything is perfect. I asked him to hand me over to you on our wedding day." "That's a wonderful idea," he kisses me on the head. At some point around ten, Morgan and Leon are totally tired. The two of them almost close their eyes while playing. Pepper and I decide to lay them down in Leon's room. When I close the door to the nursery when leaving, Pepper pulls me into an unexpected hug. "You can't imagine how much it means to Tony that you asked him to lead you to the altar." "It means a lot to me too. I always imagined that my father was like Tony. Even if I wish my birth parents were still here, I'm very happy to have you all in my life." Back in the living room everyone is sitting comfortably together. I sit next to Bucky and put the baby monitor in one of the pockets on his uniform. I hope the two little ones sleep through the night during the fireworks, but it can't hurt to hear if they wake up. "Have you two already set a date for the wedding?" Thor wants to know. I shake my head "not yet. We wanted to end the old year comfortably and then start preparing tomorrow." "But you've probably already thought about whether it should be a summer or winter wedding, haven't you?" asks Wanda. Bucky and I look at each other and smile. "We'd love to get married in spring. When it's not that damn hot outside, but it's warm enough to party outside," says Bucky. The next hour somehow develops into the fact that we start planning our wedding. Morgan and Leon will be our flower children. Bucky will go shopping for suits with Leon and the boys while Pepper, Nat, Wanda, Morgan and MJ will go shopping for my wedding dress with me. A quarter of an hour before midnight everyone is on their way outside to prepare everything for the fireworks. "Are you coming honey?" asks Bucky when I don't get up. "Just go ahead. I have to talk to Nat and Wanda." The two were actually already on their way out, but come back to me and sit down with me. "What do you want to talk to us about?" Nat asks curiously. "I was wondering ... do you two want to be my bridesmaids?" The two of them squeak and pull me into a group hug. "We thought you wouldn't ask us at all," says Nat. "Then we can look for bridesmaid dresses when we go to buy your wedding dress," says Wanda happily. When we get outside to the others, the countdown has already started. Bucky comes to me and pulls me into his arms. When his lips meet my lips, the countdown has come to zero and the fireworks break out around us and everyone is cheering happily. "Happy New Year baby. I love you," he says while his forehead leans against mine. "Happy New Year James. I love you too. To another year with you from many who may come."

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