Once the will to resist is broken ...

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"Let me out" I yell and hit the heavy iron door of my cell, which has a small window in the upper center. But nothing happens. Frustrated and desperate, I look around my cell and try to find a way out of here. But there's absolutely nothing in here. There is only one bed, although it should be called a concrete block with a mattress, without a duvet, without pillows, a toilet, without a lid or toilet seat and a sink, which is actually just a concrete block with a drainpipe. Even the faucet was somehow built into the concrete. Light only comes in through the small window in the door. There is absolutely nothing in here that could help me escape or that I could at least build some kind of weapon out of. Overwhelmed with the whole situation, I let myself fall on the mattress. When at some point the light goes out in the hallway, I sit there in complete darkness. I pull up my knees and lie like an embryo on the mattress, sobbing violently when I realize the hopelessness of my situation. My mind drifts to Bucky. It's all my fault. If I'd just got rid of him. If I wouldn't have let us get so close in the first place. If only I would never have left Brock. Then Bucky would have been spared all the suffering. What do you think they did to him after I was taken away? Did they let him live? Will I ever see him again? And more importantly, will I ever see Leon again? Will he understand what happened to his parents? The only comforting thought is that I know Leon is in good hands with the others. I don't know how long - maybe it's only for hours, maybe for days - but I'm just being kept in this dark cell, which means that I lose all track of time. No food, nothing to drink, no light and no contact with anyone. Just me and my thoughts that are gradually driving me crazy. At some point the door of my cell opens and Brock steps in. "Wake up sunshine. It's time we make something useful out of you." "Fuck you" I hiss weakly in his direction. It's still too dark to see him properly. That's why I'm scared and confused at the same time when I'm grabbed by the hair and dragged out of my cell. "I would have been surprised if you would just do what they want from you once in your life. Looks like you have to be taught manners again" he curses annoyed as he pulls me into another room. Even if it's been a long time since I last heard these words, they instantly freeze my blood in my veins. I remember only too well what Brock did when he had to teach me "manners". I try to defend myself, but because of the isolation, in the dark, and the deprivation of food, I am too weak to actually be able to achieve anything. When he puts me on a treatment chair, as you know it from dentists, and then chained me up, I know that I have lost.

The next few weeks pass in an indistinct mixture of torture, sexual abuse and experimentation. The worse the experiments get, the less the sadness that accompanied me before becomes. At some point I don't even know why I was ever sad. All I know now is that I absolutely hate Brock Rumlow. He enjoys fucking me against my will whenever he feels like it. At some point I'm too strong for him to just take what he wants, so he numbs me so that I can't move but am fully conscious while he takes me. I don't know how, but I'll find a way to make him atone for all the assaults. I still don't know why I'm here or what they want to achieve with the experiments. All I know is that I am getting stronger every day, after all, I am being trained here as if I will soon have to fight to the death. I don't really know what exactly they're experimenting with on me. I just know that since then I've been able to see in the dark, which is pretty cool, and that I constantly have the feeling that I'm electrified, like I'm going to explode at any moment. At some point, after several months, I am so well trained that I can use every weapon that this planet knows to perfection. I can fight several men at the same time and I am incredibly fast. At the same time as my training is progressing well, the people who keep me trapped here are beginning to trust me a little. I am no longer locked in my cell all the time, except when I am being trained or needed for experiments, and I am now even allowed to eat in a kind of makeshift canteen. When I hold real cutlery in my hands for the first time in months, an idea occurs to me.

I'm sitting in my cell and waiting for Rumlow. I asked him into my cell tonight and, arrogant as he is, he immediately accepted. Admittedly, I've been flirting with him a bit the last few days to lure him over to me. In a situation where we are all alone. When the door to my cell opens, I sit on my bed and look at him seductively. "There you are. Thank you for coming. I wanted to thank you," I say while he closes the door behind him. Bingo! You poor fool have no idea what to expect. "Really? What exactly do you want to thank me for" he asks as he slowly comes to me and sits down next to me on the mattress, one hand resting on the mattress, the other slowly brushing my shin. I feel sick at his touch. "For making me who I am" I whisper in his ear and then everything goes very quickly. At dinner today, I grabbed one of the steak knives unnoticed. I pull this knife out of the back of my waistband in a flash and chop off the fingers of Rumlow's hand that is resting on the mattress in one flowing movement. The knife is so sharp that, in combination with my strength, it completely cuts off all fingers except for the thumb. Rumlow's pained screams are music to my ears. Should he try to touch someone against his will without his fingers. "You stupid bitch" he screams, still in pain, and tries to reach for me with the other hand. But now I can move so fast that he simply grabs nowhere. When he still looks confused at the place where I was just sitting, I grab the back of his head and hit him with full force against the wall. I can hear the bone of his nose break on impact. But just as I am going to hit him against the wall again I notice a sweet smell. Seconds later, I pass out.

When I wake up I'm strapped back to the dental chair. I see someone approach me, a syringe in hand. No! I don't want to be used as a guinea pig any longer. As soon as I have finished the thought, I feel this feeling in me again, this electrifying current. It's just somehow different this time. This time it's not just that electronic tingling sensation. My skin hurts and my head feels like it's about to explode. When the needle touches my skin, I literally explode. A pressure wave emanates from my body and breaks everything around me to rubble and ashes. Suddenly I am lying in the open air, my bonds are broken and there is absolute silence around me. I slowly straighten up and look around. Not only did I destroy the laboratory I was in. The entire building no longer exists. I sneak through the rubble looking for survivors. Not that anyone who worked there deserved to survive. To my delight, even if it kind of scares me that I'm happy about it, nobody is alive but me.

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