Why are you explaining this to me?

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We've barely arrived in Tony's lab when he's already pulling me with him. He stops in front of a monstrosity of a machine and begins to explain to me what this thing is supposed to do. In short, and as far as I can tell - Tony doesn't bother explaining things to non-geniuses - this machine is meant to take us back in time and give us a second chance in the fight against Thanos. And if we don't succeed the first time, we can try again and again. And all of this works via two simple buttons. One that sends us into the past and one that will bring us back from it. But why is Tony telling me all this in such detail? I don't want to know how it works, I just want to see that it works.

Michelle: That's really all very interesting Tony. But why are you explaining all this to me in such detail?

But instead of saying anything, Tony just looks at Steve for help. I understand what's going on here before Steve says anything.

Michelle: Oh no! I will not stay here!

Steve: Michelle, we need someone here who can operate the machine. And Tony doesn't trust anyone here like he trusts you.

Michelle: It's not my problem that he doesn't trust anyone else enough. Can't.....

I look around the room in desperation. Hoping to find an idea somewhere in here. But I can't really think of anything. I'm looking at the people in the room with us when my gaze falls on Rocket the raccoon.

Michelle: Can't the raccoon stay here?

Rocket: No, he can't.

Bucky is conspicuously quiet the entire time. He's my last chance. I turn to him and practically beg him.

Michelle: Bucky? Tell them I'll come with you.

As always, I know Bucky's answer before he does. And to say I don't like it would be the understatement of the millennium. He looks down as he answers me.

Bucky: I see it like Steve and Tony to be honest. Baby, we need someone here that we all trust unconditionally. And you are that someone.

He can't possibly be serious. He can't leave me here, he can't leave me alone again. The thought of being left behind makes me so angry I can't stand it in here a second longer. I storm out of the lab and run toward the elevator. I need some fresh air or I'll end up doing something I regret. How can he do this to me again? He promised that he would never leave me alone again. The elevator doors open in front of me as cold metal closes around my wrist.

Bucky: Wait.

I snatch my wrist from him and turn to face him.

Michelle: No Bucky! I'm not going to sit by and do nothing while you and the others risk your lives to bring our children and everyone else back.

I am so angry that tears well up in my eyes and my voice breaks.

Michelle: You promised me that you would never leave me alone again. But you're doing it again!

Even though I just snatched it from him, he grabs my wrist again, more gently this time.

Bucky: This time will be different. Please Michelle, we need you. And you're not just sitting here. You are the most important part of this plan. Only because of you can we come back at all.

He has now taken my hands in his and is looking down at them.

Bucky: Besides, I know you're safe here.

Michelle: But I don't want to stay here. Safe or not, I want to come with you.

I know I sound like a defiant little kid right now, but I can't help it.

Bucky: Baby please. We have to stick to Tony's plan. You want our babies back too, don't you?

That's not fair. Of course I want them both back.

Michelle: Of course I do. More than anything in the world.

Bucky: Then please trust me. Everything will be fine.

Michelle: Woe if not.

In desperation, I grab him and pull him to me. My lips crash onto his and we lose ourselves in a heated kiss. Eventually we pull away, breathing heavily, and Bucky rests his forehead on mine.

Bucky: I'll always come back to you. And very soon we will all be reunited.

I don't say anything for fear of bursting into tears. I lay my head on Bucky's chest and wrap my arms around him. I don't even know how long we both stand there, holding each other and being silent. At some point we hear someone behind us. When we look up we see Tony standing in the doorway to his lab. Bucky signals to him that we'll be right there.

Bucky: Are we going to get our kids back now?

I nod and he kisses me again. Holding hands, we go back to the laboratory, where I, again, let Tony explain to me in detail what I have to do and when. I have to make sure my family makes it back, my whole family.

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