My drunk darling

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After the girls and I have danced for a while I feel two arms - one human and one metallic and hard - wrap around my waist and pull me away from the crowd. As we stand a little apart, at the edge of our garden, I turn around and look into the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, which luckily belong to my husband. God am I a lucky girl. "Hello Mr Barnes." Tenderly, his lips meet mine and he hugs me even tighter. "Hello Mrs. Barnes. How about we find somewhere quiet? Just the two of us, completely undisturbed?" As he says this, his fingertips brush my spine, sending a shiver through my entire body. "Baby we can't just sneak away from our own wedding," I concede, trying to convince myself we can't. Even though my body is asking me why I don't just go inside with him and fuck the brains out of him. On the other hand, we have the next two weeks for that. "And why can't we?" Bucky slurs a little, which I think is super cute. I've never seen him really drunk before. "Because this is our celebration and it would be rude to just leave our guests alone," I reply, wriggling out of his embrace enough that, still holding his hand, I can make my way back to the others. But before I can even take a step, he pulls me back into his arms "they certainly wouldn't notice." He presses his lips to mine and my resistance, which wasn't that strong anyway, breaks. I sigh softly, parting my lips. As I wrap my arms around his neck, he shoves his tongue into my mouth. Just as I finally want to give up and pull him inside with me, he breaks the kiss and looks deep into my eyes before licking my face once - from chin to forehead. "Baby, how drunk are you?" I ask giggling and he looks at me mischievously. "Maybe a little bit. So..... shall we go now?" I was sure that I couldn't love this man any more, but apparently I was wrong. It may sound strange, but even though he's drunk, he's so sweet and clingy and just perfect. I shake my head in response. "You're not even married a day and there's no more sex," Bucky pouts. "Believe me baby, in the next two weeks you will have more sex than you can handle. Later I will show you what it means to be married" I kiss him promisingly. "Can it be later now?" He looks at me with puppy eyes. "No baby." Together with my drunk sulky husband I go back to the dance floor where we party with the others for a while. Bucky never misses an opportunity to be close and touch me and I love it. Eventually I'm damn thirsty and walk over to the bar where I meet Tony and Pepper. "Ready for the honeymoon?" Pepper asks after I take a sip of my water. "Definitely. I'm really looking forward to it. Even though Bucky still hasn't told me where we're going." I give Tony a questioning look. Bucky planned our honeymoon with Tony's help. I was so busy getting ready for the wedding that I only thought about honeymoon a few days ago. Bucky had already planned everything and hasn't told me since where we're going to spend our honeymoon. Tony also keeps me in the dark. "The jet is ready, you can go whenever you want, Happy will take you to the airport" Tony looks past me at Bucky, who is seconds later behind me and snuggles up to me. "Looks like your husband is ready to go," Tony states, and Bucky nods vigorously. "Trust me Tony, if Bucky had his way we would have left hours ago." Bucky tickles my sides and kisses my cheek. All right, I think it's time we leave. "And is it really okay that Leon stays with you for the two weeks? It would certainly not be a problem if we took him with us." "Don't worry dear. We love having the little one with us. Loki is already in full uncle mode. You two please just have a wonderful two weeks and enjoy being together." "Oh we will," Bucky whispers very softly in my ear, so soft that Tony and Pepper don't hear. I get goose bumps when I think about it being just the two of us for the next two weeks. "Thanks Tony. For everything" we hug and as we break away he wipes a single tear from the corner of his eye. I guess sometimes Tony is just a huge softie. "But before we go, I have to say goodbye to my little darling." I look around for Leon, who is sitting on one of the benches with Loki and leafing through a picture book. We approach them and when Leon spots me and Bucky he beams happily at us. Bucky takes him in his arms and lifts him into the air. "Mommy and Daddy love you! We will miss you so much." While the two romp around with each other I hug Loki. "Thanks. It's much easier for me to leave Leon here when you're here too. Sometimes I'm almost jealous because he loves you so much." Loki smiles. "Sometimes I find it incredible that he's comfortable with me. Everyone's always seen the bad in me. And then you came along. You saw me as a friend from the start and through your son I think I become a better person." I always forget that Loki wasn't always good. But that just shows that he has actually become a better person. "Mom!" Leon comes towards me with Bucky in tow and tugs at my dress. I pick him up and cover his face with kisses. "Mommy and Daddy will be with you again real soon. We love you." I set Leon down, who immediately turns his attention back to Loki. So it's easy to become uninteresting. Our luggage is already stowed in the car so Bucky and I just go inside to get dressed for the trip. Just as I want to open my dress, he grabs my hands. "This is my task." He pulls me to the mirror and turns me so our eyes meet. He slowly opens it and slips it over my shoulders. When my lingerie comes to light I can hear him groan softly. After my legs are exposed, he runs his fingertips along them and begins to play with the garter as he touches it. "I guess Happy will have to wait a while before we can go," he murmurs, kissing my shoulders. I turn to him and untie his bow tie while looking into his eyes. After I've also opened his shirt and pushed it over his shoulders, I dedicate myself to his belt. "I guess Happy can handle that." With a smoldering look, he picks me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. Now that he's kneeling over me, my desire is suddenly unbearable. I slide my hand down his pants and wrap my fingers around his hard dick. I start stroking him. "Baby good...." moaning the sweetest words in my ear, he slides first one, then two, and finally three fingers inside me. He matches my pace, pumping his fingers in and out. My orgasm builds rapidly inside me, but before I can cum he removes his fingers and stops my hand. "Bucky?!?" I stare at him in disbelief and he just smiles lovingly. "When I cum as your husband for the first time, I want to be in you." With these words he sinks into me and doesn't take his eyes off me for a second. His thrusts are slow, tender and loving. In this moment we are one. Our movements accelerate in unison. Even our moans ring out in perfect harmony. This moment is so full of love that tears well up in my eyes. Bucky seems to feel the same because he has tears in his eyes too. We cum simultaneously and as we come down from our high we kiss the tears off each other's cheeks. "I can't even put into words how much I love you" I say while snuggling into his arms. "Me too. That's why I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you." We quickly jump into the shower before getting dressed. Since I have no idea where we are going, but I know that we will be flying for some time, I decide on a simple, comfortable white dress. No patterns, no frills. We say goodbye to the others who are still celebrating happily. Tony has promised to make sure everything is cleaned up here tomorrow so that we can go back to a clean house in two weeks. Happy greets us as we get to the car and congratulates us. Bucky and I cuddle up in the back seat. As soon as we drove off, Bucky started dozing. The effect of Asgardian alcohol. Half an hour later we are at the airport. Happy has loaded our luggage and is watching us as we climb the small flight of stairs onto the plane. We are greeted by a steward named Karl. He also congratulates us on the wedding and hands us both a glass of champagne. It's my first time boarding Tony's private jet. There is a small lounge where the seats, we will occupy for takeoff and landing, are located. Further ahead is a door set into the wall on which crew is written. I guess that's where Karl will be when we don't need him. There is a separate bedroom at the back and a small kitchen integrated into the lounge. Bucky and I sit in side-by-side seats and buckle up. We toast and sip our champagne. The champagne, in combination with the Asgardian alcohol, seems to finish Bucky. He's dozing off again as the plane lifts into the air. As soon as the signal sounds that you can unbuckle yourself and move freely on the plane, I gently shake Bucky awake. "Come on sleepyhead, let's put you to bed." He mumbles something I can't understand but follows me. He sits down on the bed. I decide to go to the kitchen to get some water. Don't know if super soldiers can get hangovers, but it sure as hell doesn't hurt if he drinks something anti-alcoholic. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. Still sitting, he wraps his arms around me and snuggles his head against my stomach. "Don't go away," he mumbles sleepily. "I'll be right back. Just getting my drunk darling some water." "You're the best" it's just a slurred mumble. In the small fridge in the kitchen I find two bottles of water which I take back to the bedroom. Bucky seems to have just fallen over backwards after I left and is sound asleep. I straighten him up as best I can and take off his clothes. Then I put him back on the bed and turn him to the side so that I also have room in the bed. Our luggage is ready to hand in the bedroom, but somehow I don't feel like looking for my pajamas in it. So I just take off the dress and lay down next to Bucky in my underwear. I pull the covers over both of us and peck his lips. "I love you James Buchanan Barnes." I don't know if he heard what I said. But no sooner have I said the words, he cuddles up to me. His head on my chest, one arm and one leg wrapped around my body. Even if the wedding night doesn't go as expected, I'm the happiest person on this planet right now. I stroke his hair as I review the day. We are married! I can't believe how my life has gone since I met Bucky. I love him so much and can't wait to see what the future holds for the Barnes family.

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