I should have just gone to bed

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"Steve?! What happened?" Bruce starts up from his computer when Steve runs into the lab with Michelle in his arms. He puts her on the bunk and looks at Bruce worriedly. "I don't know. I walked into the gym and there she was lying unconscious on the floor." Bruce immediately connects her to all kinds of devices and begins to examine her, measure her pulse, blood pressure, anything that could provide any information about what happened to her. Steve stands in the corner the whole time and watches everything worriedly. "Well, her values ​​all look good. Maybe she just overexerted herself," Bruce muses aloud. "Hey guys, have you seen Michelle today?" asks Bucky who has just come into the lab. Before the two of them can say anything, Bucky has already spotted Michelle and rushes over to her. "What happend?" he asks, stuttering. "We don't really know. Steve found her unconscious in the gym this morning," says Bruce.

When I wake up I have that raging headache again. Slowly I open my eyes and realize that I'm no longer in the gym. It takes a moment before I realize that I am in the laboratory. "What .... what happened?" I ask hesitantly. Do I even want to know? "We'd like to know that too. I found you passed out in the gym this morning," says Steve standing in a corner to the side. "Hmmmm ...." feeling kind of guilty I look at the floor "I probably should have just gone to bed last night." "What did you do instead?" Bucky wants to know, he is right next to me. Tears of frustration are forming in my eyes. "After Leon called me mom i was so confused. My feelings didn't match what i was supposed to be feeling, at least i think so, and that made me so angry. I thought i was about to explode, so i went to the gym and tried to train even more than i had already done with Wanda." Now I'm crying a lot. "I don't know how long i can take all this. I guess after training with Wanda it was just too much." Bucky reaches for my hand which makes me look at him. "Hey, stop putting yourself under pressure. You won't achieve anything with pressure. But trust me, we can do it together." To see how sweet and understanding he is breaks me for good. I'm crying harder than ever before, at least as far as I can remember. I lean my head on him in desperation. He puts his arms around me and caresses my head soothingly. I don't even notice Steve and Bruce leaving the room, but when I lift my head at some point, the two are gone. "Come on, let's bring you to your room. The bed there is definitely more comfortable than the cot here," suggests Bucky. I nod with a sniff and let him help me up. I hook my arm on him and together we go to my room. I didn't really notice that on the bunk, but now I notice that I'm still very shaky on my feet. In my room I immediately crawl into bed and snuggle under the covers. "What do you think of me making you something for breakfast?" asks Bucky who stands somehow awkward in the room. "That sounds great, Bucky. But you don't have to do that" I don't want him to think he has to do that. But he just smiles at me as he walks out of the room. When I'm alone I'm suddenly wide awake. I decide to take a quick shower, I feel kind of gross. I put my hair up and stand under the hot water. My body is in pain, I can feel my muscles relax a little in an instant. After I've dried off, I put on fresh sweatpants and a simple black strap top and snuggle back to bed. As if on command, the door opens and Bucky comes in with a tray. I see fruit, scrambled eggs, toast and a cup of tea on the tray. He puts it on my bedside table and I can't help but smile. "Ok, I'll leave you alone then. Take a rest, I'll see you later." I don't want to let him go, I feel good around him and I believe that without him I won't find any rest today. "Bucky ..." I stop him as he grabs the doorknob and he turns to me. "Do you want to keep me company?" "I would really like to do that" an idea seems to occur to him "I'll be right back." While he is doing whatever I slide to the side to give him some space and I start to eat. Everything tastes damn good, the scrambled eggs are super fluffy. When he comes back he has a book in his hands. "The Hobbit" is written on it in large letters. I look at him questioningly. "We used to read it to each other, especially when one of us wasn't doing well. Ok, most of the time you read it to me. If you want, i could read it to you while you were resting?" That's a cute idea. I nod and pat the mattress next to me. He sits down next to me and leans his back on the head of the bed. He starts reading and I finish my breakfast. When I'm done I put the tray back on the bedside table and suddenly feel the need to snuggle up to him. I slide down on the mattress and rest my head on his lap, my arms around his legs. At first he stiffens a little, I guess he didn't expect me to snuggle up to him like that. But in the end he relaxes and rubs my back. His touch and his voice are so calming that the tiredness comes back immediately and I slowly begin to fall asleep.

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