The reunion

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"Michelle?" Bucky stares at me in disbelief. Seeing him breaks my heart. He looks emaciated and exhausted. His eyes are red and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. Nevertheless, at the sight of it, I am overcome by anger that is almost bearable. He slowly comes towards me but I back off. "Nice to see that you at least remember my name" I growl, trying hard not to freak out completely. "What are you doing here?" he asks, still incredulous, that I'm actually standing here in front of him. "I'm just here to make sure Steve hasn't lied to me again," I hiss. I have to get out of here. I thought I could, but I can't. The agony of the last few months is instantly back and it feels like I'm choking on it. I turn around furiously and want to leave when I'm held back by my wrist. "Michelle please wait," he begs me desperately. I snatch my wrist from him, "What should I wait for? Huh? Should I wait for you to leave again without at least saying goodbye?" When I see the tears welling up in his eyes, I immediately feel sorry for my words. "I'm sorry. It was safer for both of you. You would never have let me go," he says very softly and can hardly look me in the eye. "Of course I wouldn't have let you go. We could have found a solution together. But you decided that I shouldn't be a part of all of this" I point my hand at the area around us." You have left us." "I just wanted to do the right thing. I just wanted the best for both of you" he tries to grab my hand again but I cross my arms over my chest. "And I always thought we were both the best for each other" I say and look at the ground so that he doesn't see the tears on my face. Crying, Bucky sinks down and sits on the grass, knees drawn up and arms wrapped around them. I'm so damn mad. But I love him too much to watch him torment himself. I can't stand to see him like that. I want my happy Bucky back. The man who took me out of the darkness of my life and turned it into light. I sit next to him on the grass, but keep a certain distance between us. "Did it at least work?" I ask him while staring at the landscape in front of us. Under other circumstances this would be a wonderful place to relax and make pleasant memories. But as it is, the memories will always be negative now. "It did. I'm free once and for all. Hydra can never manipulate me again." Out of the corner of my eye I can see he's looking at me. When I don't say anything, he starts to tell on his own what has happened since he just disappeared from my room that night. How Steve saw him in the garden that morning and had the idea to bring him here. That Steve actually wanted to tell me immediately, but he had to promise Bucky not to tell me or the others. I owe Steve an apology for my behavior. "I was so scared that I would never see you again" instantly, tears welled up in my eyes again. When he grabs my hand this time, I let him. "I never wanted to do this to you. But I had to do it to protect our little family." I pull him into a tight hug when I see he starts crying again. "Promise me you will never do that again. From now on you will always talk to me, no matter what." Unable to speak, he just nods and buries his face in the crook between my neck and my shoulder. When he starts to break away from the hug I hold him tight. We're so close now that the tips of our noses are almost touching. I love this man. And nothing that has happened in the last few months could change that. I close the distance between us by leaning forward and kissing him. It feels like my whole body explodes at this touch. He returns the kiss with a passionate hunger that I've never noticed before. When he pulls me onto his lap I say breathlessly "I'm still angry." "That's perfectly fine honey," he says just as breathlessly before his lips find mine again and our tongues melt together. With me on his lap, he gets up and I wrap my legs around him. Without breaking the kiss, he carries me into the little hut. There he kicks the measly wooden door and lays me down on a simple mattress. I pull him down with me, unwilling not to feel his lips for a second. We hastily strip each other's clothes off. "God how much I missed you" he whispers as he presses my naked body against him. "I can feel that" my lips twist into a big grin as my hand wanders down to his powerful erection. His whole body shakes as I slowly run my fingers up and down his dick. While I explore his mouth with my tongue, I close my hand completely around his dick and begin to massage it slowly and with gentle pressure. With a groan he buries his hands in my hair and with each pump of my hand I can feel his dick begin to pulsate stronger. At some point he stops my hand and smiles at me. "I haven't been able to feel you for so long. I want to come inside you." "Ok" I turn him on his back and sit astride him. I straighten my back so that he can fully see me before I sink down to his erection. The feeling is breathtaking. Sex with him is wonderful every time. But this time something is different. Maybe it's just the joy of finally having him again, maybe it's the combination of joy and the agony of the last few months. No matter what it is, it's breathtaking. I slowly begin to ride him. While I slide up and down in a steady rhythm, he massages my tit with his metal hand while his human hand finds my clitoris and also massages it in gentle circles. As I feel my climax build up inside of me, I intentionally tense the muscles in my lower abdomen to increase the pressure on his dick. He sits up so that our faces are very close. "If you go on like this, I won't be able to hold out much longer," he gasps into my ear. "Good" I gasp, too, tense my muscles one last time and kiss him deeply as I feel the wave of orgasm coming over me. Seconds later he moans loudly on my lips and I feel the warm liquid as he comes inside of me. Panting, he falls back on the mattress and I sink onto his chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. "I love you Bucky" I gasp and give him fleeting kisses on the chest. "I love you too, Michelle. More than my own life." "I guess I owe Steve an apology. I was so angry when I found out about all of this that I slapped him," I say as my breathing eventually calmed down. To my amazement, Bucky starts to laugh uproariously. "Poor Steve. I guess we both owe him an apology then." "How is Leon?" he asks and presses me even closer. In the meantime we lie cuddled together on the mattress in the spoon position. I tell him in great detail about the last few months. How quickly he has grown, how much the others love him and pamper him completely. When he doesn't react to anything I say at some point, I turn my head to look at him and have to smile when I see that he has fallen asleep. My poor exhausted Bucky. I grab the thin duvet and pull it over us. Then I snuggle up to him and soon fell asleep myself.

When I woke up the next morning, Bucky was still sleeping. Stretched out on all fours, he lies on his back and snores softly. I decide to get Leon to surprise him when he wakes up. I get dressed, kiss him gently on the lips, which elicits a relaxed moan, and make my way to the palace. When I enter the imposing building I see Nat and Steve sitting in a kind of living room. It is more likely a kind of lounge where guests are waiting to be picked up. They talk while Leon plays at their feet. "Good morning you two" I say cheerfully and get a smile from both of them. Leon immediately crawls up to me and I lift him up in my arms. "Good morning my darling" I cover his face with kisses which makes him squeak happily. "I guess your encounter went well?" asks Nat, wiggling her eyebrows. "I guess you could say that." I put Leon on the floor again and hug Steve without warning. "I'm sorry Steve. For everything I've said and done. Bucky told me that you wanted to tell me right away." "It's okay. I'm just glad you two are reunited." When Leon starts to cry, which he sometimes does when he doesn't have all the attention, I pick him up again. "And now we're going to make sure that Daddy gets to know your moodiness. I'll see you both later." With Leon in my arms I go back to the hut where Bucky is still sleeping. While we wait for him to wake up, we cuddle and I lift him up in the air and pretend he's an airplane. When I, or one of the others, do that he laughs like crazy every time. "Good morning" I hear a sleepy Bucky say at some point. "Look who has finally woken up. Say good morning Daddy" I turn Leon in Bucky's direction and my heart melts when Leon reaches out to Bucky. Although he has never actually seen him, he seems to recognize him. Bucky, who has also stretched out his arms, picks up Leon and cuddles him. Hearing the familiar squeak from Leon while he is in his father's arms is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. "You brought him with you?" Bucky looks at me happily. "Of course I brought him with me. He needs you as much as I do. Nat and Steve took care of him the whole time." I lie down next to them on the mattress and couldn't be happier than looking at them. "My son. Hi. From now on, Daddy will always be with you. I'll never leave you alone again. I can't wait to see you grow big and strong." "And from now on we will be together every step of the way" I kiss both of them on the cheek and snuggle against Bucky's shoulder. "I can't wait. I love you both," he kissed me gently. As soon as he averted his attention from Leon, Leon starts to whine. "It's okay, Daddy's attention is all yours again." I have to giggle. If Bucky only knew how moody our baby can be every now and then. He'll find out and I'm already looking forward to it.

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