New York

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Luckily the address, at which the others find Dr. Strange, is not far away. It is also located in New York - 177 Bleecker Street. With the morning traffic, it still takes almost an hour. Again, no one feels like talking. Even Peter, who usually always has something to say, can't get a word out. Arriving at the house, Peter, Tony and Bruce are amazed when the massive door opens automatically in front of them.

Tony: Looks like we're definitely in the right place here.

The three enter and with a loud bang the door closes again.

Bruce: Creepy

Bruce mumbles under his breath.

???: Creepy is a matter of opinion.

A figure hovers down to them out of the dark. As the men turn, a man lands softly in front of them, a long red cape cascading gently down his side. He looks at the three and smiles softly. 

???: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Peter Parker. I was afraid that this meeting would happen.

Tony: We would have had better things to do too. But some lunatic decided that we have to screw up our day with this meeting here.

A smile breaks the stranger's face.

???: As charming as you are described in the press, Mr. Stark. Follow me.

He doesn't wait for the answer, turns around and walks towards a door.

Peter: Is that this Dr. Strange guy?

Peter asks Bruce very quietly. But before Bruce can answer, the stranger answers.

Dr. Strange: Yes, that's me Mr. Parker. Dr. Stephen Strange.

Another man is already waiting for them in the other room.

Dr. Strange: Wong... it's time. Our prophesied visitors have just arrived.

Wong: So the end is imminent?

Dr. Strange: Let's hope we can still avert it.

Wong: So you know about the stones?

It only becomes clear that this question wasn't put to Strange when he clears his throat and looks at all three expectantly.

Bruce: A little. All we really know is that they exist and that one of them is part of one of our friends.

Dr. Strange: Really? Which of them?

Bruce: The Mind Stone.

Wong: And where is your friend right now?

Tony: He's in Wakanda with a bunch of us. There a way should be found to extract the stone from him in order to be able to destroy the stone without having to kill him.

Dr. Strange: If that can happen anywhere, it's in Wakanda.

Peter: You know Wakanda?

Dr. Strange: It's my job to know about everything and everyone on this planet.

Tony: And obviously off-planet stuff too. As far as we know there are only two Infinity Stones on earth. The Mind Stone and the Time Stone. But it seems as if you also know about the others. What can you tell us about the remaining stones?

Wong uses a magic to project colorful, sparkling stones into the center of the room. Peter is so mesmerized that he doesn't even realize what Wong is saying when his lips begin to move. He briefly and understandably summarizes how and why the stones were created, what the individual stones symbolize and can do and how dangerous they are when you bring all six together.

Bruce: We found out that the time stone is supposed to be here with you. Is that correct?

Dr. Strange: Yes. It is here under my protection.

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