Will we really see them again today?

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When I wake up the next morning, Bucky is still sleeping next to me. I turn on my side and look at him. He looks totally relaxed as he lies there - lying on his stomach, stretched out on all fours. His face is halfway buried in the pillow, one hand resting on my side. I slowly run my fingers up his arm until I rest them against his cheek. The love of my life. Despite everything that has happened, I am grateful to life and fate for leading me to him. I can't even imagine what my life would have been like if I had never met him. And if everything goes the way Tony planned today, my life will be absolutely perfect again. It just has to work. Bucky sighs at the touch of my fingers. Time to wake up Mr Barnes. I cover his face with soft kisses and he slowly opens his eyes.

Bucky: Good morning love.

He gives me a sleepy smile, then rolls onto his back and pulls me halfway onto him.

Michelle: Good morning baby.

Bucky: Ready for today?

He asks while running one hand through my hair and crossing the fingers of his other hand with mine. Am i ready? I am definitely ready to finally be able to hold my babies in my arms again. But am I ready for things to turn out differently than we had hoped? Am I ready to possibly have to drive home tonight without my kids? No idea.

Michelle: Yes..... no...... i don't know. I'm scared Bucky. 

I really am. I've never been so afraid of anything before. And God knows there have been more than enough situations in my life where I've been paralyzed with fear. Bucky sits up, pulls me onto his lap and hugs me tighter.

Bucky: I'm scared too. But I trust Tony. He wouldn't have told us about this if it wouldn't work out.

Somewhere inside me I know that too. But my mom heart can't see it, it's so afraid of not getting them back today.

Michelle: I guess you're right.

Despite all the fear, I'm somehow very jittery and euphoric. I can't explain myself why.

Michelle: Does that mean we're getting our kids back today?

Bucky: I think so. 

I kiss him passionately. He returns the kiss with so much love that I slip my hands under his shirt. He does the same to me. We grope each other and are about to undress when there is a knock on the door.

Bucky: Absolutely bad timing.

He whispers, his lips still on mine. I'm about to suggest that we could just pretend we're still asleep when I hear Nat's voice. 

Nat: Come on guys, get up! Once you're in Tony's lab, we can get started.

Bucky and I look at each other, shocked and happy in equal measure. Without saying anything, we both get up, get dressed and literally run to Tony's lab. Please, please, please - let everything turn out for the best today.

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