What's up Steve?

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Steve and Tony come in behind Leon. Both look distressed. Tony gives me a hug as Steve stands in the door frame. 

Tony: Hey little one. How are you?

Michelle: I'm fine. But looking at you both like this, I kind of have the feeling that's about to change.

Steve: I'm sorry but yeah, we need to talk to Bucky and you. 

Even without Steve saying anything more specific, I know something bad is about to happen. If Steve and Tony come by here instead of inviting us up the tower, we're probably going to hell.

Michelle: Ok. Then go into the living room.

In the living room, Bucky and Leon look up from Leon's toy rug as we enter. As soon as Bucky sees Steve and Tony, his expression changes from amused to worried. So I'm not the only one who can see that something is wrong with the two of them.

Bucky: What's the matter with you two? You look like someone died.

Tony: Luckily not.

Steve: But with what's coming up, that could happen in the future.

I reach for Bucky's hand and he squeezes it reassuringly. We sit around the coffee table with the other two, Leon sits between me and Bucky.

Bucky: Let's get started then. What's happening?

Steve and Tony look at each other before Steve takes a deep breath and begins to talk.

Steve: We have received information about a being named Thanos. Based on the information we have, we have to assume that he will try to wipe out half of humanity.

Michelle: Stop! Whatever else you guys have to say, we won't discuss it while my son is in the room.

I stroke Leon's head and he looks at me.

Michelle: Honey? Would you please go to your room?

Leon: But I want to stay here with you.

Michelle: Leon please! Go to your room. This is something the adults need to discuss alone.

I realize myself that I sound angry and annoyed and I hate myself for it. It's not Leon's fault what Steve and Tony are about to tell us, but the pregnancy hormones are making it difficult for me to control my emotions.

Leon: OK

He looks at me sadly, hops off the sofa and walks away. I would like to run after him and hug him, tell him that mommy isn't mad about him. But Bucky is holding me back. Which is probably a good thing, being as active as my emotions are right now I would probably just burst into tears. And Leon doesn't necessarily have to see that either. When Leon is gone, Bucky asks a question that's on my mind too. 

Bucky: And how exactly is this Thanos going to do that? 

Tony: With the help of the Infinity Stones.

Michelle: What the hell are Infinity Stones?

Tony gives us a brief summary of each Infinity Stone - there is a Space Stone, a Mind Stone, a Reality Stone, a Power Stone, a Time Stone and a Soul Stone. Tony gives some technical and other relevant data, but I don't understand any of that. Far too many technical terms that I have never heard before. And I never want to hear them again. Ultimately, these stones, used together, can become a weapon capable of wiping out half of all life. I instinctively look in the direction of the hallway, where Leon was just a moment ago, and caresse my baby bump.

Steve: Luckily we know where two of the stones are. One is the stone in Vision's head and another is with a man in New York. His name is Dr. Stephen Strange.

Bucky: Then we need to find the others and destroy them before this Thanos can get his hands on them.

Tony: That's the plan. Unfortunately, we don't even begin to know where the other stones could be.

Bucky: Then why are you here? It's not like we know where the stones are.

Tony: We're here because we need the entire team to gather information. The entire team except Michelle.

My life and the life of my family could be at stake and I should stay out of it? My emotions are running high again. I'm sad because I don't seem to be needed anymore and angry because they think I couldn't be of any help because of my pregnancy.

Michelle: Am I no longer part of the team?

Tony: Of course you're still part of the team. But we don't know what to expect and therefore don't know how dangerous it can be.

Bucky: We don't even need to discuss that. No matter what happens, you will stay out of it.

Now my anger is directed at Bucky. Who does he actually think he is? Just because we're married doesn't mean he's going to tell me what to do and what not to do. I turn to him and want to tell him what I think, but stop when I look into his eyes. He is afraid. So much so that he doesn't even try to hide it. Instead of starting an argument with him, I squeeze his hand and rub the back of his hand with my thumb soothingly. Still, I can't let the topic rest entirely.

Michelle: Just to be clear - this isn't a decision you're making for me Bucky. But yeah, I also see that I'm not in the right shape to go on missions.

My old suit probably wouldn't fit me anyway. Bucky pulls his hand away from mine and puts it on my stomach. Our little princess happily kicks after him. His gaze is on me as he speaks.

Bucky: I just don't want anything to happen to you two out there. And you won't be the only one who won't be there. I will stay here too, with my family. I will not miss the birth of my second child.

Steve runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Steve: Bucky, please at least think about it. The more people we are the more information we can get.

Bucky: I've been thinking about this for the last few minutes Steve. I've made my decision.

Tony: Seriously Barnes?

The two are at least as shocked by Bucky's reaction as I am. While I can understand his motives, I'm also sure that he would regret it if he completely stayed out of it.

Bucky: Sorry guys, but my priorities are Michelle, Leon, and our baby.

I can see Bucky is about to get really frustrated. Before that happens, he gets up.

Bucky: I think it's better if you two go now. I'll take you outside.

Tony gives me a look for help, but I just shake my head. I'm not going to talk Bucky into doing anything he doesn't want to do. Even if I'm sure that he would regret it afterwards. But at the end of the day it's a decision he has to make and no matter what it is, I will support him in it. While Bucky accompanies the two outside, I make my way to Leon's room. After earlier, I definitely owe him a few cuddles.

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