Pregnancy and naming

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The last few months have passed by in a flash, now I'm eight months pregnant. In the meantime, Bucky and I have officially moved into one room and Tony has arranged everything to convert my old room into a children's room. Everyone is still very excited about the baby. Even Morgan. Sometimes I think she sees herself as kind of a big sister, which I think is cute. For some time now we have also known that we will have a son. Today is again one of the days when pregnancy really gives me trouble. My ankles are swollen and the baby seems to want to kick its way outside. I lie on the sofa and try to find a lying position that is reasonably comfortable. So far, unfortunately, without success. "How are my two darlings today?" asks Bucky when he comes into our shared room. "We're doing pretty well. However, we'd be much better if we had sweets." I used to always think that women only use food cravings during pregnancy as an excuse to eat everything. But the fact is, I have the worst cravings. It got really bad sometime around the fifth month. Pickled cucumbers with chocolate cream is one of the less weird things. And most of all, I could eat around the clock. "Hm ... I think I can help you with that" Bucky laughs as he pulls a small package out from behind his back. Thanks to Bucky, the pregnancy was a no-brainer most of the time and just plain beautiful. He is super attentive and literally reads every wish from my eyes. From massages to joint visits to the doctor and the pregnancy prep class, he's just the perfect expectant father all along. And to see how excited he is for this baby is damn hot. I happily kiss him on the lips and grab the little packet of Reeses that he is holding in his hand. There is a small piece of paper on it that says "You stole a piece of my heart" and a small heart is painted next to it. Every time I think I couldn't love him more, he proves me wrong. "You are the best. I love you" I say while I'm already putting one of the sweet delicacies in my mouth. Bucky sits down next to me on the sofa and puts his arm around me. "I love you too baby. How's our little champion doing?" I snuggle up to him "he is definitely more active than his mother. The way he kicks today I almost believe that there is a little kickboxer growing in me." Bucky puts his hand on my belly and looks fascinated when he can feel the kicks. It's not the first time, but every time he is totally fascinated. "Wow ... fascinating. I still can't believe we will actually become parents." I put my hand on his. "And we will be wonderful parents." Together we cuddle up on the sofa and watch TV. As if he could sense Bucky's presence, the baby's kicks slowly become less. It almost seems like Bucky has the same calming effect on the baby as he does on me. "You know, maybe we should start thinking about a name." "Oh, I'm not picky about that. Do you have any suggestions?" "There are so many beautiful names. But I have always found the name Leon very beautiful for a little boy." Even as a little girl, I thought the name was just wonderful. "Leon the little kickboxer" Bucky smiles and kisses my forehead. "I like that." "So we'll call our baby Leon then." Approvingly, Bucky kisses my forehead again and I snuggle closer to him. Leon, Bucky and Michelle - my perfect little family.

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