French cuisine

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A few meters further we enter a small bistro. From the outside as well as from the inside it looks absolutely inconspicuous but somehow inviting. 

Waiter: Bonne journée. Une table pour deux? (Hello. A table for two?)

Bucky: Oui s'il vous plaît. Serait-il possible d'avoir une table plus éloignée? (Yes, please. Would it be possible to get a more remote table?)

Waiter: Bien sur monsieur. Suis-moi s'il te plait. (Of course sir. Please follow me.)

We follow the waiter into a kind of private room where we can see the restaurant, but we cannot be seen. Like a true gentleman, Bucky adjusts my chair and kisses my cheek before sitting across from me. The waiter leaves and comes back a few minutes later with two menus. I open it and don't understand a single word. Bucky seems to notice and grins at me in amusement. 

Bucky: Do you need help? 

Michelle: You could say that. I doubt these are real words.

Bucky laughs and starts translating what's on the menu.

Bucky: Bouillabaisse, Boeuf bourguignon, Coq au vin, Ratatouille...

I cut him off before he can continue.

Michelle: Ratatouille? Like in the children's film with the rat who wants to be a gourmet chef?

Bucky: Yes

Michelle: Ok, then I want that.

Bucky: You do realize that this isn't cooked by a rat, right?

Michelle: You can't know. In the film, everyone else only finds out about it at the end.

Bucky laughs at me and shakes his head. To anyone else, the gesture might look strange, but I see the pure love in his eyes as I stick my tongue out at him.

Michelle: And I want iced tea - peach. Oh and can we have mousse au chocolat for dessert? They have mousse au chocolat here, don't they?

Bucky: Yeah baby they do.

After the waiter takes our order, Bucky slides his chair over to me. He puts his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

Michelle: What did you order?

Bucky: Well, your enthusiasm for ratatouille has infected me. Let's see if the rats here can do it as well as the ones in the movie.

Giggling, I plant a kiss on his lips.

Michelle: When we're back on the yacht later I want to facetime with Leon. I miss our baby

Bucky: We'll do that. Even though we've only been here a day, I miss him like we've been gone for weeks. Maybe we should have taken him with us after all.

Michelle: Maybe. But then again... if he were here we wouldn't have had sex in a dressing room.

Bucky: That's right. 

His hand slides up my leg under the table and under my dress. It just brushes up and down my thigh and instantly my whole body tingles. Just as I am about to grab his hand and bring it closer to my pussy, the waiter returns with our food and drinks. Before the waiter can even guess what almost happened here, Bucky slides his chair back into place and gives me a knowing grin. God! What this man triggers in me. The things he makes me feel. He's gonna be the death of me. I couldn't think of a better way to die.

Waiter: Deux ratatouilles. Bon appétit. (Two ratatouilles. Enjoy.)

The food looks absolutely delicious. Even though I was just thinking about having sex with my husband here in the restaurant, these thoughts were blown away when I saw the food. I put the first bite into my mouth and moan, it tastes so delicious. The different flavors of the vegetables and the spices used go together perfectly and cause me a taste orgasm.

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