Did it work?

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Exactly five minutes later the timer beeps and I hit the button that will bring the others back. The loud whirring sounds again and seconds later they are all back. Thank God. Immediately I start moving, run towards Bucky and throw myself into his arms. He catches me and pulls me close. I kiss him like I haven't seen him in years.

Bucky: I said I'll be back.

Michelle: So it worked?

Before anyone can say anything, we hear a familiar voice behind us. A voice none of us have heard in years.

Wanda: Looks like it.

I run to her and hug her. I hug her so tightly I'm afraid I'll choke off her breath. But when she hugs me back just as tightly, I dismiss that thought.

Loki: I hope I was missed just as much.

Wanda lets go of me and I run towards Loki who is holding his arms open.

Michelle: Of course. I missed you all so much.

They're all back. Wanda, Sam, Loki, Peter, Dr. Strange, the tree that was at the battle with the raccoon. They are all there. But I don't see the two I most want to see again. Where are Leon and Amilia? Panic spreads through me as I walk towards Bucky.

Michelle: Where... where are Leon and Amilia?

Bucky doesn't seem to know what to say to that. He just pulls me towards him.

Michelle: What if something went wrong? What if it didn't work for them.

Bucky: It can't be. It must have worked.

Whispers Bucky.

Nat: Michelle? Bucky? Just look....

Still holding onto each other, we turn in the direction Nat's gaze is directed.

Leon: Mommy? Daddy?

Leon is standing in the doorway and has Amilia in his arms. Time seems to stand still. My babies! They're back. I tear myself away from Bucky, run towards them both, sink to my knees and hug them both. I would love to never let go of them. Bucky is with us a short time later. I take Amilia from Leon's arms and Bucky picks Leon up. He cuddles him and kisses Amilia on the head. Actually, I've made a resolution never to cry in front of my children. But I'm so happy right now that I can't hold back the tears. I hold my daughter close to me, who looks unconcerned and plays with my hair. Both she and Leon look unscathed and just as carefree as they did five years ago. Tears are running down Bucky's cheeks too. Finally we are complete again.

Leon: Dad? Why are you and mommy crying?

Bucky: We just love you both sooooo much.

Leon: I love you too. But I'm not crying.

Bucky and I giggle and look at each other - overjoyed.

Michelle: That's okay too honey. But mommy and daddy cry.

Leon: Ok.

I don't know if Leon and Amilia know they missed five years of their lives. It doesn't seem like it right now. Somehow I even hope that's the case. When Leon sees Loki, he wriggles around in Bucky's arms until he puts him on the ground. He immediately runs over to Loki.

Bucky: Some things just never change.

Michelle: Seems so. But I would never want it any other way.

Bucky wraps his arms around me and Amilia as we watch as Loki hugs Leon and also cries with joy.

Leon: Why are the adults all crying today?

We all burst into happy laughter. 

Michelle: Adults just do that sometimes.

After everyone has greeted each other, we decide to celebrate. While the others make their way downstairs to the living room, I decide to help Tony clean up and dismantle the machine.

Michelle: Bucky? Would you take Amilia downstairs with you?

Bucky: Sure. Everything OK?

Michelle: Yes. I just want to be alone with Tony for a moment.

He takes Amilia and kisses my forehead. When Bucky and Amilia are gone, I go back to the lab where Tony is pretty much done.

Tony: You can go downstairs to the others.

Without a word, I go to him and hug him.

Michelle: Thanks Tony. For giving me my life back.

Tony: I'm glad everything worked out and I can finally see you smile properly again.

I put on my brightest smile.

Michelle: I promised you I wouldn't stop smiling once I got my kids back.

Tony: And that smile was worth all the hard work.

Tony unplugs the machine before he links my arm and we go downstairs too. We spend the next few hours eating together and informing the others about everything that has happened in the last five years. A lot of information for the others. Sometime around nine in the evening our children fell asleep - Leon on Bucky's lap and Amilia in my arms.

Bucky: How about we stay here tonight?

Michelle: That would be nice.

Now that we're all finally back together, I don't want to go back into our house. I want to be here with my family. Bucky and I decide to call it a day and put the kids to bed. But..... even though it's definitely bedtime for our children, I don't want to let them go. Even if it was just a room next door I don't want them to be away from me.

Michelle: Bucky? Can Leon and Amilia sleep in our bed tonight?

Bucky: I was just about to ask you the same thing.

We say goodnight to the others and take our children to our room. While Bucky fetches pajamas for the two of them from their room here in the tower, I get them both ready for bed as far as possible. The two are sleeping soundly and don't even notice how we put their pajamas on and put them in our bed. Then we change our clothes and lie down with them. Leon and Amilia are in the middle between us. Bucky and I hold hands and look at each other.

Bucky: Now everything is perfect again.

Michelle: Yeah.....I can't believe we actually got them back.

Bucky: Believe it. The Barnes family is finally whole again.

Finally. Bucky and I kiss - leaning over our children's heads - before turning off the bedside lamps and snuggling into bed with our children. Knowing that my life is finally back on track, that I have my husband and babies back with me, fills me with a deep calm that makes me fall asleep instantly.

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