You want her to have the baby here?

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A few weeks later, the three of us are back in Avengers Tower. After giving it some more thought, Bucky has decided to help gather information about Thanos. Since then he has spent most of the day going through some data and files with the others. So that we as a family can still spend as much time together as possible, we moved back into Bucky's old room. My old room is acting as Leon's temporary nursery. I'm glad he decided to help. So maybe we can still avert the worst. So far I've spent today with Wanda. Leon is at the park with Pepper and Morgan. Sometimes I feel a little like Leon has a crush on Morgan. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful love story. I'm just coming back into the living room from the kitchen, where I got myself something to drink, when a sharp pain shoots through me. I've been in weaker contractions all day, but I haven't told anyone because it's actually three weeks until the birth. But this pain is so bad that I drop my glass and it shatters into pieces on the floor. A painful scream escapes me and I have to hold on to the door frame to be able to keep myself upright. Wanda is immediately at my side. She supports me and helps me sit down on the sofa.

Wanda: Michelle? What's happening?

Michelle: I don't know.....

The rest of the sentence is interrupted by a stifled scream. Even though I'm in excruciating pain, Wanda's facial expression is laughable. She's just as overwhelmed as I am.

Wanda:'t panic...I...I'll go get Bucky. And it's best if I bring Bruce along too.

She doesn't even wait for me to react in any way. The pain is getting worse by the second and I'm starting to panic. What if something is wrong with my baby? The contractions at Leon's birth were bad too, but nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now.

Bucky: Baby, are you alright? Is something wrong with the baby?

Bucky suddenly sits next to me and looks at me scared.

Michelle: I don't know. But it hurts so much.

I start crying out of fear and pain and bury my head on Bucky's shoulder.

Bruce: Bucky, we should take Michelle to the hospital wing. I can do an ultrasound there and see what's going on and if everything is okay with the baby.

Bucky doesn't wait another second. He lifts me off the sofa into his arms, making me wince and gasp for breath.

Bucky: I'm sorry baby.

He also looks like he's close to tears. I try not to let on how bad the pain really is as he carries me carefully but as quickly as possible to the hospital wing. He lays me down on one of the cots there, but I can't lie down right now. Somehow lying down just makes the pain worse. Although he protests, I stand up and brace myself against the wall. Breathing heavily, I try to somehow control the pain. Bucky positions himself behind me and soothingly strokes my back. Bruce comes in a little later. 

Bruce: Michelle? I have to ask you to lie down at least for a little while so I can do the ultrasound.

Bucky helps me lay back on the cot, I push my dress up - thank god it's warm in the tower so I'm just wearing a dress and no tights or anything - and he holds my hand while Bruce begins the ultrasound and medical exams.

Bucky: Bruce? What's happening? Is everything okay with my two girls?

Bruce smiles as he turns to both of us.

Bruce: More than okay. It looks like you're both going to be parents again today.


Michelle: That can't be. The due date is not set for three weeks.

Bruce: Well, looks like your little girl isn't sticking to the schedule.

Bucky: Then we need to get Michelle to the hospital as soon as possible.

The smile on Bruce's face instantly disappears and he looks worried.

Bruce: I'm afraid it's too late for that. The intervals between the individual contractions are hardly measurable. Birth will begin any second.

Bucky: You want Michelle to have the baby here?

Bucky sounds seriously shocked. I don't care, as long as this incredible pain subsides.

Bruce: Yes. Otherwise she will have the baby in the car. And with a little help, I can deliver the baby here.

Bucky: Help? Ok.... um... what do I have to do?

You can clearly hear Bucky's nervousness. Suddenly he's damn pale too.

Nat: Relax Bucky. I will assist you Bruce.

I didn't even realize Nat walked in. I'm relieved, though, that Bucky won't have to watch me rip open from front to back and squeeze a baby out of my vagina. Besides, I want him here next to me.

Bruce: Are you sure Nat?

Nat: Sure! After all, it's just blood. I've seen worse.

Michelle: Glad that's sorted out. Can you finally make this pain stop now?

I splutter through clenched teeth. Now the pain just makes me angry. I squeeze Bucky's hand so hard I'm sure I'll hurt him. But I really don't care right now. I'll apologize to him later for that.

Bucky: Baby, could you maybe squeeze a little less hard?

Michelle: You didn't really ask me that just now, did you? I'll squeeze less hard if you're the one having to squeeze a baby through your vagina!

I can hear Nat giggling. Bucky gives me an apologetic look and silently endures my crushing of his hand.

Bruce: Ok you two, then let's give birth to your little princess.

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