Go on a date with me

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"Did you sleep well?" I ask Bucky into the silence at some point. "Very good. You really seem to be my personal dream catcher," says Bucky, hugging me a little tighter. "And you are mine," I say while I snuggle closer to him. With my left hand I grab his right and cross our fingers. "Would you go on a date with me? Today?" asks Bucky while we continue to look at the snow, he sounds nervous. My heart is warm at his question. Is Wanda right after all, and Bucky and I are perfect for each other? Could I have finally found my happiness after all the tortures caused by Brock? I stand up to look him in the face when I tell him that I would love to do that. "For real?" he looks at me and looks both incredulous and happy. "Yeah really Bucky" I say with a big smile. Bucky is so excited about my decision that he embraces me profusely and whirls me around. "And what did you think of?" I ask him when he has let go of me again. "I already have an idea, but it will be a surprise." It's cute how happy Bucky is, he grins like a little boy. "Ok" I have to laugh too, his joy is so contagious. "And when did you want to leave?" He thinks about it for a moment and checks the clock on his cell phone. "If it's okay with you, could we go right away?" "Then I quickly go to my room and change my clothes again. "Do I have to prepare for anything? Does it matter what I wear?" His grin is getting bigger and bigger. "Just dress warmly." Holding hands, we go back inside and go upstairs. Once there, I go to my room and go through the options in my closet. All of a sudden I'm damn nervous. What should I wear? In the end I choose gray jeans, a plush white sweater, black boots, my black winter jacket and matching black gloves, a scarf and a hat. As I leave my room, I meet Tony in the hallway. "Where are you going, Kiddo?" I can't help but smile all over my face. "To be honest, I don't really know. Bucky asked me if I would go on a date with him." Tony is smiling too now. "That sounds wonderful. Bucky is a really good guy. Have fun, dear." I'm so happy that I hug Tony euphorically. At first he is surprised, but then he returns the hug. Then I go back to the living room where Bucky is waiting for me at the elevator. "Can we go?" asks Bucky and holds out his hand to me. I grab it and nod happily. When we are in the elevator he informs me that we will walk to the place of surprise. "Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" I ask him after we've been on the road for a few minutes. "No. You will have to be patient for a few minutes. But we are almost there." At some point he suddenly stops. "Ok, close your eyes." "Why?" "So that it remains a real surprise." I close my eyes and feel Bucky directing me a little further down a street. "Ok, now you can open your eyes." I open my eyes and it takes a moment to realize what I see in front of me. "An ice rink?" I ask with joy. How could he know? I love the ice rink. Ice hockey, ice skating - everything that has to do with ice in any way. "I hope you like ice skating," says Bucky, suddenly looking very shy again. "I love ice skating" I reassure him and throw myself joyfully into his arms. "Glad to hear that." Together we go inside where Bucky buys two tickets for us. "Thanks Bucky, but you didn't have to pay for me." Brock would never have paid for me on a date. Brock and I have never actually been on an actual date. "I was happy to do that. In the 40s it was the case that the man invited the woman on a date. And I have no intention of changing anything about this behavior." We borrow ice skates and sit on a bench to put them on. I'm pretty confident on my skates. Even if there wasn't really much that was beautiful in the orphanage - once a year the educators went ice skating with us children. And I'm really good at it. Bucky, on the other hand, looks a bit shaky. He holds on to the wall and slowly moves forward. "Have you ever skated before?" I ask him. "Once when I was a little boy. It's been ages." "Here" I say as I hold out my hand to him. "We can skate together." Smiling, he takes my hand and we do countless laps. It doesn't take long until Bucky is safely on the skates and we even have small races. "I'm getting really hungry" I realize at some point. I suddenly notice that I haven't even had breakfast today. Thanks to Wanda, at least I had a coffee. "Then let's have something to eat," says Bucky and we go to the little kiosk that is at the ice rink. "What do you want?" Bucky asks me. "I can ..." Bucky cuts me off before I can finish the sentence. "No discussion. I insist on inviting you." His smile is so cute that I just can't say no. "Ok. Then I would like french fries, with lots of ketchup, and a hot chocolate." Satisfied, he turns to the kiosk seller and places our order. A few minutes later we are sitting at a small wooden table, eating french fries and chicken nuggets and drinking hot chocolate. "Thanks Bucky." He looks at me questioningly. "It's been a long time since I had as much fun as I have today. And I owe all of that to you." Bucky reaches for my hand across the table. "You don't need to say thank you. I'm having at least as much fun. And I'm really glad you agreed to the date." After we have eaten we go back to the ice. It's already evening and dark outside when we make our way home. "My feet are hurting a lot now," I say as I take off my skates and pretend my feet are falling off. "Who knows, maybe a foot massage is also part of the date," says Bucky and we both laugh. We return the skates and head back home, holding hands.

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