Life Update

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Oh my lord the amount of attention this story has gotten has blown my mind, even nearly 2 years later. Holy shit.

I just wanted to add this note here for those who have read this story for more than 5 times. Yes I do read the comments, and yes I've seen your requests for the next part. Trust me y'all I'm working on it. I currently have an obligation to finish a story I'm currently writing first. I have made this mistake in the past to write a long chaptered story and post it without thinking, and that's lead to long times without updates and incomplete works. I've come to the conclusion that I won't post a story until I'm completely finished with it to save myself, and my readers from disappointment. Once I finish the story I'm currently working on I swear I'll get started on the next part. Again it is going to be a while, but I swear I will finish this series it's not abandoned.

The story I'm currently working on, will be posted here, and on AO3, it's a marvel story. It takes place during Avengers and we work our way through the MCU. It's an OCxLoki story (because my best friend got me hooked on Loki and his character arc) I'm trying to steer clear of describing the OC other than her name and personality, so the reader if they do choose could imagine there own version. You know leave some story making fun to the readers.

If you are interested I can post a preview of the story tomorrow. I'm thinking of calling it "Love of Infinity" but I'm not to sure, if anyone has better title ideas the comments are open to suggestions. (Seeing most of the Loki profile pictures in my comments I don't think many of you would mind lol)

Until then, sending all the love!

Also, I wonder how many of you clicked on this notification hoping for an update lol. Sorry not sorry consider yourself trolled. (But seriously sorry to get your hopes up)

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