Day of Peace

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The Doctor picked me up and rushed me to the Med-bay as fast as she could. Blood dripped down my chin and stained my shirt. I kept coughing and I couldn't stop. The Doctor set me down on one of the beds and looked through many cabinets and drawers. "You've gone to long, without your medication. The remnant has grown to strong to be held at bay." She said frantically searching for something anything that could help.

"D-Doctor." I stuttered out. I needed to tell her what I saw, what I heard.

"Not now, hang on (Y/n)." She said still frantically searching. "Come on!" She shouted kicking over a nearby table. Everything on it clatter to the ground and the table laid on it's side. She then rushed to my side pushing a few strands of hair out of my face. "Where did you put that container?" She asked trying her best to be calm. I opened my mouth but all that came out was more blood. I turned on my side and spat it all in a bucket. "Ok, you can't tell me. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go into your mind." She said and I nodded at her giving her my permission. She put her fingers on my temples and I felt her presence in my head. I showed her images of where I left the bottle, but before she pulled away I showed her what I heard echoing through my head. She pulled away and stumbled back. "That's not possible..." when I spat another large blob of blood out that drew her attention back to me. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise." She said leaving me alone in the med bay. After a moment of feeling like I was dying she came rushing back in bottle in hand. She pulled out two pills instead of one. "You need to take these."

I pushed myself up on weak muscles to a sitting position. I tried to hold in my coughing as I reached for the pills. I took them from her and quickly swallowed them as possible. The Doctor went to get me a glass of water and a wet rag to wipe the blood off of my face. I quickly drank the water before wiping my face off. I took another sip of water and swished around in my mouth to get the rest of the blood out. I spat it in the bucket before wiping my face again. "Ugh, gross. To much iron." I joked weakly sitting back against the bed. My throat was sore from all the coughing and my voice was cracking.

"Can you please not make jokes right now." The Doctor said seriously. "I was this close to losing you just now." She said and I could hear the fear and the emotion in her voice. I looked away saddened by the thought. "I need to get you an IV. You lost a lot of blood." She then went to start me an IV and I looked away when she held the needle to my arm. "Sorry." I heard her say.

"It's ok, it's just you know I don't like needles." I said looking back when I knew she was done.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry." She apologized again.

"Doctor it's ok, I trust you." I said my voice still cracking.

She reached for the empty glass next to me. "I'll go get you some more water." She said before walking towards the door.

"Sorry about your shirt.." I said and she stopped only just now taking time to look at it. There were a few spots covered in blood and I'm pretty sure that they would leave a stain.

"It's ok, (Y/n). I'll go change, then I'll get you that glass of water." She said with a small smile. I knew she was trying to make me feel better but it was hard knowing how worried she really was.

When she came back I looked up to her while she handed me the glass of water. "What took you so long?" I asked. She had been gone for a little bit longer than she had thought.

"I dropped the others off at home for a few days, at least until you're well enough to travel again." She said pulling up a chair to sit next to me. "You need to rest, while I figure this out."

"No." I said and she looked as if she were going to protest but I cut her off before she said anything. "We'll figure this out together." I said and I saw her give a small smile. I scooter over and patted the space next to me. She got up from the chair and laid down next to me, propping her head up with her arm. I pulled myself into her chest and gave a sigh of content. "Tell me what you're thinking?" I asked as she put her arm around me and started rubbing my back.

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