The Stenza Warrior

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We tracked the signal from the creature that gave us the bombs to a high roof top. The Doctor stood in from of the group. I stood slightly behind her. "Hi, us again." She said. The creature in from the train was made of wires that constantly moved around it. Bolts of electricity firing off of it here and there. We all bolted around the roof top, the Doctor and I putting the jumper cables in place while the others connected the car battery. Grace held the the pole towards the creature. The end of it buzzing and zapping. "Now!" The Doctor yelled.

She thrust the pole into the creature. The electricity from the creature faded, and the wires piled to the ground on top of each other. "Get in! It actually worked." Ryan said both excited and relieved.

"Course it worked. I'm not an amateur." The Doctor said mildly offended. She and I both approached the pile on the roof top. "Over loaded its sockets, stunned it for a bit. Not sure for how long though, best be quick." She pulled out her screwdriver and began scanning it. "And thank you to Kevin the bus driver, for location intel."

"See, always asks a bus driver."

"So what is it?" I asked as she continued to scan it.

"Half-organic, half-machine. Starts to make sense now." She pauses looking from the screwdriver to the wires. "Wait... it's a gathering coil. No dozens of gathering coils! These tentacley things, they're creatures which gather information. They've been lashed together and augmented into one super-creature. But why? What data are they gathering? Unless..." she paused for a moment.

"So That is an alien species?" Yaz asked.

"Not really more of a semi-species, weaponized biotech." None of this made any sense. The gathering coil, the creature from the garage.

"You said they were two aliens in battle." Yaz said.

"No, she theorized." I said then the Doctor looked to me eyes wide. "What?"

"(Y/n), you were right! You were right all along since the start. You said when we got to the transport pod, that the signals were the same, one was sending or receiving the signal." She turned back to the gathering coil. "If I can access the data it's gathered.." she used her sonic and the coil buzzed and fizzled before showing a hologram.

"It's Karl from the train!" Graham said.

"Karl's the data! That's what was gathering on the train."

"But what would the alien want with him?" Graham asked.

"Which one of you should I kill first?" A deep voice said from behind us. We all turned and there was the creature I chased down the alley way.

"I'm voting none of us. Get behind me now." The Doctor said pushing her way in front of us.

"Gladly." I said under my breath. The last run in I had with this thing I nearly lost my hand to frostbite. It took two menacing steps forward.

"Stop right there." She commanded, he stood still in his place. "Come any further and we'll blast whatever that thing is."

"You are interfering in things you don't understand." He simply said.

"Yeah, well, we all need a hobby." She replied. I put my hand on her wrist warningly her not to agitate the being.

"You two are not human, your hand is completely healed. Who are you?" He asked.

"Me? I'm..." she stopped. "Oh, it's gone again! I had it a minute ago. It's so annoying!"

"Oh come on you almost had it!" I said excited. "Do you want me to just tell you?"

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