
1.9K 64 103

(AN: out of great request, there is a scene y'all will love, just be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.)

"We found out what's going on!" The Doctor shouted as we ran back into the kitchen. From the looks of it, the boys were out of breath as well.

"Massive spider in the ballroom!" Ryan shouted panting for breath.

"How massive?" The Doctor asked.

"The size of a large van." Graham replied bending over to catch his breath.

"Wow, that is massive!" The Doctor said more intrigued than I was.

"Must be the mother." Jade said concerned. "And the rest are the babies. Some stayed here, some went out into the city, their pheromones disturbing the spider ecosystem, causing other spiders to behave abnormally."

"Of course!" The Doctor exclaimed as if the information was obvious. "Nadia, you were never the link. Your colleague Anna, what if she had the same phenomenons on her?" She asked. "Accidentally calling out to a spider that had gone out hunting from this hotel. All these spiders answering the same call, because in the end, every living thing has the same instinct, to come back home." She explained.

"That's very touching, but there's a plague in my hotel and it needs to be fixed."

"Show me your panic room." The Doctor said and he seemed eager to partake in this plan.

Jack Robertson put his thumb on a red button outside of his panic room. He then let the scanner read his eye and the door opened. "Looks like a bank vault." Graham said.

"My lock down palace. I have one in every hotel in case it's needed." He said as we all walked into it. It did have bank vault vibes mixed with a fallout shelter. "Not finished yet, but, still..." Yaz closed the door after the Doctor walked through.

"What's in the boxes?" Ryan asked.

"Food, water, entertainment system. A book. I could survive six months if I needed to. And I have a huge stash of weapons." He said proudly. "Enough for all of us. Enough for two guns apiece." He assists and I looked from him to the Doctor who grew angry at the thought.

"Oh, no guns." I said. "My wife won't like that." I said and she shook her head.

"No, I'm not." She said pushing past Ryan and Yaz. She then came face to face with Robertson. "You are not shooting those creatures." She said sternly.

"They're mutants." Was his defense.

"Caused by you." Jade added.

"Your carcasses, lady, not mine." He shot back I rolled my eyes they were like children.

"Ok! How about we agree this entire situation was both of your faults. You didn't check to make sure the spider was dead." I said pointing at Jade. I then looked to Jack. "And you for being a moron by building a hotel of a toxic waste pit you made. Sound fair?" I asked and Robertson narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything back and Jade nodded looking to the ground. "Ok good, any more of this nonsense and I'll have to start drinking!"

"You've already started drinking." The Doctor said.

"You are already pushing your luck with me today." I said back.

"Whatever happened," the Doctor said turning back to Robertson. "There are living, breathing organisms out there and we treat them with dignity. So," she said turning to the rest of us. "Here is what we're going to do-"

"Shoot 'em!" Robertson exclaimed.

"We're not going to shoot them!" The Doctor replied.

"What's wrong with you people? What is wrong with this country? Why don't you do what normal people do? Get a gun, shoot things like a civilized person!"

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