Mirror Mirror

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(AN: I've hit #1 in TheDoctor tags. Thank you all so much for that. Sorry for the break. But I might still be on one for now, but here's a new chapter to show my gratitude. It's a little short but it will have to do.)

"Do you miss the city?" Graham asked sitting across from Hanne at the table. I stood back some with the Doctor.

"Sometimes." She replied. "But my dad wanted a change after my mum died."

"So, what, he came here to get away from all the memories?" Graham asked.

"Yeah." She confirmed. "And this had been empty for ages, so, it was cheap."

"Was it your dad who put these boards and locks everywhere?" The Doctor asked.

"The day before he disappeared." She replied and something didn't add up in my head. "I told him he was mad. There's nobody for miles. But he said, 'there are worse things out there than people.'"

"Right, definitely not ominous at all." I said looking from Hanne to the Doctor. I pulled her aside out of earshot from the others. "I know I might sound like a broken record, but something about this doesn't feel right."

As soon as I said this there was a loud roar of some kind coming from the woods. "It's coming!" Hanne exclaimed.

"Ryan and Yaz!" I said in worry as I headed for the door. I heard footsteps behind me and I looked back to see the Doctor and Graham following close behind.

"Doctor!" Ryan exclaimed. "(Y/N)!" He ran back to us, stumbling over gravel and dirt as he made his way towards us.

"Did you see it?" The Doctor asked coming to a stop next to me.

"No!" Yaz shouted. She stopped for breath as well and it looked like she had a bear trap in hand. "But, Hanne's dad did." She said holding up the trap.

"He's got a shed load of them in the... shed. And that's not normal, even for Norway." Ryan said.

There was another load roar off in the distance and I jumped behind the Doctor. "What is that thing?" She asked intrigued.

"I don't know, and I don't think I want to stick around to find out." I said and I saw Ryan and Yaz nodding in agreement. There was another loud roar.

"Inside." The Doctor called as she turned to run to the house. She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her inside the house. Then she let go to make sure everyone else was in too. After Graham made it in she locked all the locks before turning to us. "We need to secure the house. Yaz, Ryan, block the back door. Graham, take look out from the upstairs window."

"On it." Graham said making his way to the stairs. That just left the Doctor and I.

I looked into the kitchen and nudged the Doctor with my elbow when I saw Hanne curled up under the table. I slowly stepped towards her with the Doctor behind me. The roaring outside only continued. "It takes you away. It takes you away. It takes you away." She just kept repeating.

The Doctor crouched down and crawled under the table next to her. "Hanne, listen to me. Whatever is out there, we will keep you safe." She said gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

"But it takes you away..." she simply said again curling into a tighter ball. I moved away from Hanne and the Doctor towards the stairs.

"See anything yet?" I called up to Graham.

"Nothing yet." He replied. Ryan went past me and joined Graham up the stairs.

"Something doesn't feel right. Doctor I'm getting a very bad feeling about upstairs. Like the strongest feeling of wrong I've ever had." I told her from the base of the stairs.

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