Complications With Babysitting

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(AN: sorry for the short chapter again. I'm trying to force my way through this writer's block and it's working slowly. Plus I've been busy with my family. I'm working I promise, just very slowly.)

Ryan and I sat downstairs with Hanne. "Have you always been blind?" Ryan asked.

"Basically. I can see light if it's super close." She said.

"Must be hard." Ryan replied with sympathy. Hanne then grr angry and shifted away from him to be closer to me.

"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." She said to Ryan.

"Why don't you like me?"

"You thought my dad would leave me." She said going upstairs leaving us. I got up to follow her to find she was in the room with the mirror.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I was wrong." Ryan said climbing the stairs.

"Which part of the house is the weakest on the map?" Ryan and I looked at each other then to the wall with blank faces.

"The conservatory."
"Front door."

We both said at the same time. Then we shared worried looks when we didn't say the same thing. "That's not a map is it? It sounded like she was writing something." Hanne started to grow worried. "What are you hiding from me? I want to go with them."

"Hanne, you can't it's to dangerous." I said gently putting my hand on her shoulder. She tried to push past me but I held a stronger grip on her shoulder. "If you go through that mirror, you'll hurt me." I said.

"How will that hurt you?" She asked.

"I have something inside of me, and every time anything touches that mirror it upsets it in a way. Then it effects me in a very not nice way." I explained.

"A parasite perhaps?" Hanne asked and I smirked. I felt something rise up inside of me. I felt the Tardis remnant flare up in a way. It was burning hot now on the inside of my body.

"Parasite?!" I felt myself exclaim, but it wasn't me or my voice. "Oh look, I'm working the mouth now." I took a step back it sounded more like Idris. "Ryan!" She exclaimed. It was weird it was like I was a passenger in my own body. "Of course you are, only for right now. I don't have very long."

"What's going on?" Ryan asked confused.

"I'm the... the.. oh I'm always forgetting that word. I make this sound." She made the sound of the Tardis whooshing.

"The Tardis? How can you be the Tardis? It's over in the forest."

"Time and relative dimensions in space. Yes. Well I'm not the Tardis, just a tiny sliver of her." She said and I rolled my eyes, mentally, and wondered if I could have my body back. "Relax." She said out loud and Ryan looked at her weird. "I just wanted to warn you." About what I wondered. "Something is coming, a big change will come. For you and the Doctor." She said looking into the other mirror that was actually a mirror. My eyes were glowing gold like they did at the game station. They radiated energy from the Tardis heart. She smirked in the mirror. "A battle is coming, and everything will change." Yeah, I know I'm dying. She just gave me a subtle smirk in the mirror. She turned back to Ryan. "Happy New Year." She said to him and was thrown off the confused look on his face. "Oh wait. That hasn't happened yet. Time is so confusing, and it seems mine has currently run out.." she said and I felt the heat in my chest fade.

"What just happened?" Ryan asked confused. "That was really weird. Like proper weird."

"You're telling me." I said my normal voice back. I had control over my body but I felt extremely light headed. "Hanne, are you ok?" I asked her. I knew she must've been frightened not being able to see what happened. Even if she did she may still be frightened.

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