Hotel Hell (Without Grodon Ramsey)

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(AN: So we get political in this chapter, I tried to keep us clear of that road seeing as everyone has different views. Please don't post them in my comments, I'm not saying this to be mean or rude, I'm saying this because I don't want you or others to be attacked. If you post your views, no matter positive or negative on politics I will delete them. We read to escape reality not be confronted with it.) (Three chapters in one day, I'm spoiling y'all.)

We ran down to the main lobby but when we looked around the entrance was all webbed off. "We just came in that way." Yaz said. The Doctor pulled out her sonic and began to scan the webbing. "How have they done so many webs so fast?"

"Either a whole bunch of them, or they are really really big." I explained trying to pull the webbing apart. It was strong and refused to move.

"Never mind that, let's just get through 'em." Graham said.

"No, this can't be happening." He said in disbelief. "This is a protest. One of those eco-protests, huh? This isn't spiders. Spiders can't do that."

"These spiders can." The Doctor interrupted. "Those aren't normal cobwebs." She said putting her sonic away. "They know we're here, and they're trying to seal us in."

"They're trying to make the whole hotel their web." Jade said.

"And we're the flies." She said looking at the web once more. "We're not leaving. We have to find out why they're here and stop them getting any further."

"I bet you still wish I had that Molotov right now." I said to the Doctor. "Burn through this web like that." I said snapping my fingers.

"Molotov." She whispered then she glanced at me, a grin on her face. "(Y/n), your a genius!" She exclaimed kissing me in the forehead.

"I am?" I asked unsure.

"Yaz's mum, can you lead us to the kitchen? That will be our safe haven away from the spiders." Down the corridors we ran until we hit the kitchen. "Good. This will do." The Doctor said letting go of my hand. "Okay, thinking. Need to be quick. Spiders move in fast. Why is this hotel the epicenter of spider activity?" She asked.

"Wait!" The man exclaimed and we all stopped. "Nobody talk until you tell me what you're all doing here!" He yelled confused. "'Spiders'? Plural?"

"Very plural. Sorry, I don't know who you are." The Doctor said and I nodded in agreement.

"Neither do I." I said aloud.

"Really?" He said in disbelief. "You must be the only two people on the planet that don't." He said and clearly he was full of himself.

"Are you Ed Sheeran?" The Doctor asked. "Is he Ed Sheeran? Everyone talks about Ed Sheeran round about now, don't they?" She asked and I rolled my eyes, I didn't know who he was but I definitely knew he wasn't Ed Sheeran.

"I am not Ed Sheeran, I am Jack Robertson and this is my hotel. Just one hotel in an incredibly successful chain of hotels, which is just one small part of my business portfolio as featured in Fortune Global 500. Does that ring a bell?" He said and I definitely did not care for his tone.

"Should we look impressed right now?" She asked the group behind us. "Is that impressive?" We looked for the confirmation within the group.

"He's running for president in 2020." Graham said.

"Ed Sheeran?" She asked.

"No! Him, Robertson. Aren't you?" He said pointing to the owner of this spider infested establishment.

"Well I haven't declared my intentions yet." He said trying to keep that information quiet. "But look, we're talking about spiders."

"See? Typical politician, avoiding the question." Graham pointed out.

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