Home Again

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(AN: this chapter is for my Turtle. And I'm just gonna leave it at that)

I got up and looked around. I was back in this weird cave looking place, an anti-zone I think they called it. "Ryan! Yaz! Hanne!" I yelled as the ground began to rumble. I walked a couple feet away from where the portal was and looked for them. Rocks were falling and the ground was still shaking. I lost my footing and fell to the ground.

Keep moving We need to keep moving

"I need to find the others." I said pushing myself to my feet. Suddenly I heard that high pitched shrill noise and I looked back from where I came. Graham landed in his back. "Graham!" I said rushing to his side helping him up. "Where's Erik, and the Doctor?" I asked him. The ground shook again.

"There still in there. Where's Ryan and the others?" He asked as he stood up. I shook my head telling him I didn't know. "Well we have to find them!"

"I know." I said the ground gave another harsh shake as the walls began to tumble down around us. "We'll have to assume they've made it out. Now let's go!" I shouted. As we turned to run we stopped when we heard that shrill noise again. I ran over to Erik and helped him to his feet. "Come on, we have to move." I said as he joined Graham. "Where's the Doctor?" I asked turning from the collapsing portal to him.

"Still in there. Where's Hanne?" Erik asked and Graham put a hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/n), we need to leave now! This place is falling apart!" Graham said as a rock from the ceiling came crashing down. I stood and waited for the Doctor. I couldn't just leave her. "(Y/n)!"

We need to leave! Strength is failing!

I heard the Tardis say in my head. I looked away from the portal and ran over to Graham. "Let's get out of here." I called leading the charge through the dark tunnels.

"Flaming rocks! I'm never coming here again." Graham said.

"Graham!" I heard Ryan shout.

"Ryan? You're safe!" Graham replied.

"Everyone ok?" I asked as another tremor ripped through the tunnels.

Graham fell and Ryan went to his side. "I've got you." Ryan helped Graham to his feet. Erik went to his daughter's side to help her through.

"This whole place is disintegrating. Keep going. There's the portal." Graham said as Yaz went through first. Then Erik and Hanne.

"What about the Doctor?" Ryan asked. "Where's the Doctor."

"You two worry about getting home, I'll worry about the Doctor." I said pushing them towards the mirror portal.

I turned back as another part of the ceiling fell. I had to cover my eyes so t he dust didn't get into them. "Coming through!" I heard her say. The others went through the mirror and I waited.

"Doctor!" I called as I watch the walls began to close in behind her. She jumped over a crack forming on the floor and crashed into me. We both fell through the mirror with me on the floor and her on top of me.

"Sorry." She said before quickly getting to her feet. The entire house was shaking still and she pulled out her sonic. She used it on the mirror cracking it and removing the portal.

"Are we safe?" Hanne asked.

"From the solitract, yes. Don't know if it survived." The Doctor said offering me a hand. I took it and she help pull me to my feet. "But it won't be coming back here. Shame. Made a new friend, a whole conscious universe, and I had to say goodbye." She said sadly. I grabbed her hand and leaned on her shoulder feeling extremely weak. "Are you ok?" She asked me wrapping an arm around my waist to hold me steady.

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