The Tsuranga Conundrum

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(AN: this isn't my favorite episode of the season so it's harder to write than Rosa, for a completely different reason. Because I'm not all interested in the story here it's harder to get involved, and write for the episode. Also would anyone care if I got more OC with the reader?)

We stood on a junk planet with metal detectors. "We're never gonna find one!" He shouted from his stack.

"Of course we are! I've programmed the detector specifically. I found seven last time I was here." She said.

"The why not take them when you were here?!" I shouted from my stack.

"Didn't need them." Was all she replied.

"How long did that take you?" Graham asked.

"It couldn't have been more than a month. Unless that was Seffilun 59."

"Which one is this?" Yaz asked.

"Seffilun 27." She answered. "Maybe 59's the one with the big pile of these. That's the problem with junk galaxies, all the planets look the same, it's hard to keep track."

"If we've wasted the last four hours on the wrong planet..." Graham said.

"Oi, who took you rainbathing in the upward tropics of Kinstarno?" She asked.

"Actually, it was (Y/n) who took us there." He called back. I smirked as the Doctor was at a loss for words.

"With my ship!" She said.

"Our ship!" I corrected not because we were married, no because there was a remnant of said ship still inside of me. Making a part of her mine. "Doctor I'm done here, I'm going back to the Tardis while you all waste your time." I slid down my stack of junk and made my way past Graham.

"No, hold on! I've found something!" He called as his detector went off. I stopped and helped him dig through the rest of the junk to find it. The others then came over and the Doctor picked up the last couple pieces.

There was a flashing red light and we all took a step back. "Doctor is that..."

"A sonic mine, yeah. I'm sorry." She said and she pulled out her sonic. "Nobody move." She said as she scanned it. "If I can keep it in temporal lock. No, there are to many sensors, it won't work. It was camouflaged. This was someone's idea of a nasty joke! It's counting down."

"How long have we got?" Graham asked worried.

"Three, two.." before she could say one a blast rang out from the mine as it exploded.

We stood there on the Dalek ship. The Doctor, Rose, Jack, Martha, Mickey, Jackie, Sarah Jane, and I. We were in holding cells. Trapped with Davros who was laughing madly as the planets started to align to create the reality bomb. "You can't! Davros! Just listen to me! Just stopped!"

"Ah, ha, ha, ha! Nothing can stop the detonation! Nothing and no one!" He laughed madly still but suddenly it stopped.

"Is that?" I asked as what sounded like the Tardis materializing got closer.

"But that's, impossible.." he said from inside his cage. Then suddenly another Doctor ran out of the Tardis in a blue suit. "Don't!" The Doctor called to his new counterpart. As he charged at Davros whit some sort of weapon. Davros zaps him and he falls to the floor dropping the contraption.

"Activate holding cell." Davros called and then a similar light that surrounded us now surrounded him.

Donna ran out and grabbed the thing off the floor. "Doctor! I've got it, but I don't know what to do!" She said confused.

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