My Spider Senses are Tingling

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(AN: with the power of Snapchat, I can now make quality Doctor who memes. And crack jokes about myself.)

My heart practically leaped out of my chest when they pulled the door open. The Doctor examined the closet and found it was empty. Then that made me think, of it wasn't there where could it be. I backed up towards the middle of the room as I watched Ryan look under the bed. There was a hissing sound and he jumped back. I saw the legs first and I slowly backed away as it crawled out from under the bed. It was size of a small dog at the least! "Look at the size of it!" Ryan said.

"I know, and I don't want to look!" I said as it came out from under the bed.

"No sudden moves." The Doctor said as we all slowly made our way to the door. It followed our movements slowly.

"It's domestic, but it's way too big." Jade said.

I rolled my eyes. "Really! I wouldn't have thought." I said sarcastically.

"It's not harmful." She said and I looked over at Anna.

"I think Anna would beg to differ."

"Let's just put the door in between us." The Doctor said and I nodded. "When I say 'now,' quick as you can." She said and we were at the door. I heard the door slowly open. I looked behind me for a second and the door was opened enough for everyone to get out. "Go, go, go!" She pushed everyone out and dragged me out with her slamming the door. "Ryan, keep it in there. Back in a second." The Doctor shouted and I followed her. She went into the kitchen and began looking through the  cabinets and drawers.

"Doctor! It's coming through!" He shouted and that's when I began to rifle through them as well. I found a dish cloth and grabbed it looking through the bottom cabinets.

"We can't keep it in the bedroom." Jade said rushing in. "Rubbish chute. Maybe that's how it got in. Could we drive it out through there?"

"And set it lose across the city? No we need to keep it isolated here." The Doctor said. I reached passed her and found a book of matches. She then went out into the hall and began costing the walls and ceiling with vinegar. "Ryan, get up here!" She shouted. I found a bottle of vodka half full. I stuck the cloth in the top and made sure to drench it in alcohol.

"Oi! You just covered me in vinegar." He exclaimed.

"Spiders feet are there noses and they hate the smell of garlic, and the acetic acid in the vinegar means it won't come any further." The Doctor explained. I heard the scattering of the many legs of the spider and ran out to join them.

"Here hold this." I handed the bottle to Ryan and grabbed the book of matches.

"What are you doing?!" The Doctor shouted.

"Getting rid of the spider!" I lit a match and the Doctor blew it out.

"You're not throwing a Molotov on it!" She shouted and I lit another match.

She blew it out again. "Why not?" I lit another match.

"Because," she blew it out and took the book of matches away from me. "Even if I were to let you kill the spider, which I won't. If you throw a Molotov cocktail on that creature, did you think about the other people living in the building?"

"Yeah, no didn't think of that." I said taking the bottle from Ryan. I took the cloth out and tossed it to the floor. "That.. is a big ass spider...." I said taking a large swig from the bottle. No way was I dealing with this without a little drink in my system.

"Hi." The Doctor crouched down in front of it. "We don't mean you any harm." She said calmly.

"Well..." I said and she smacked me hard in the legs. "Ow." I said before taking another swig.

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