Chapter Seventeen: The Skithra

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(AN: for the next week or so my work schedule is going to be interfering with my writing schedule, so that means updating will be slow in the future, also I am still trying to make some time for myself too which is harder. Until I get a good stock pile of chapters again I'll only be uploading one a weekend just to buy myself some more time, and still have you all in a schedule. Sorry not sorry.)

The Doctor teleported onto the ship. She looked around, seeing multiple different things on this ship that don't belong. Tech from different species, weapons from through out the galaxy. This was all wrong, this shouldn't be here. As she continued to walk down the corridor she heard it. The hissing voice. "This is the price of refusal." The Doctor peered around the corner as she looked at who was talking. The creatures were very scorpion like in looks, apart from what looked like their leader. "First, she dies, then, everyone down there."

"Stop!" Tesla called. "She's my assistant I need her."

"She is not important." Another one of the creatures hissed. He was wearing his human disguise.

"I'm going to have to disagree with that." The Doctor called with a smirk as she walked out of her hiding place. She had seen enough. These creatures were nothing but thieves and murderers. "Nice, place you've got here." She looked around at the mess covering the ship. "Probably." It was a thick dark webbing like material it climbed from the walls to the ceiling. "If you cleaned up a bit. I mean, I'm messy, but this?" The leader growled lowly and hissed at the Doctor but she didn't care. These creatures didn't understand who they were in the presence of, but that's ok, the Doctor would teach them. "Are you guys all right?"

"Better now that you're here." Yaz said with a sigh. She smirked slightly at that, had she not known any better, she would have thought that Yaz was flirting with her, but she did know better. You were down there in the lab waiting on baited breath for the Doctor to return. She wondered what kind of lecture you would give her when she got back about how much time had passed.

The Doctor ignored that thought and turned to face the creature. She stood tall and stern. "I'm the Doctor, I don't believe we've met." She narrowed her eyes at the creature as she hissed and stepped forward challenging the Doctor.

"You address the queen of the Skithra?" She said almost offended. The Doctor just smirked. "You trespass on my ship?"

"Oh?" The Doctor asked with mock surprise. "Is this your ship?" She then tilted her head and glared at the Skithra queen. "Because it looks Venusian to me, and I'm pretty sure that's a Klendov warp drive." She gestured towards the device then glared back at the queen. "Is there a single thing here that you've built yourselves?"

"This one is clever." The Skithra queen called with a smirk. "She will assist Tesla."

"I've had worse jobs." She shrugged giving Tesla a small smirk.

"Or she will die." The queen said with a grin. The Doctor just narrowed her eyes and didn't move. She wasn't backing down, especially when her life, and her friends lives were being threatened. When your life was being threatened... that thought just sealed it in her mind. She would not let this stand.

"Stolen tech, stolen faces, and now all your stolen gear is breaking down." She said growing angrier by the second. "What do you do? Steal someone else to fix it." She scoffed shaking her head. "All this killing and looting!" She shouted. "Did it never occur to you to try thinking, or building something instead?"

"Why would we build when all there is, is ours to take?" She didn't ever look down at another species. She never thought she was better than another, not once in all her regenerations. She wasn't as arrogant as other time lords, but she might consider making an exception, just this once. Were she home on Gallifrey, it would be normal, especially among those on the high council... but there was no high council, there was no other time lords, there was no home. Gallifrey was gone... her anger flared into a rage upon thinking about Gallifrey, she stood before the Skithra now with a new fire in her eyes, a newfound rage.

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