King James

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(AN: so I know I've been lacking in the flashbacks/dreams lately and I honestly forgot. But I promise at the end or near the end of this episode, we will get a flashback sequence. And if it also helps, there will be a moment where we see the Doctor's and reader's wedding. That will be in the New Year's special.)

The Doctor walked the grounds with Mistress Savage, with me and the others trailing behind her. "Please forgive me, Mistress." She said to the Doctor. "If I had known who you were, I'd have bowed to your authority immediately." We were being escorted by her household guards.

"So tell me, who exactly are you? And what gives you authority here?" The Doctor asked.

"I am Becka Savage, landowner of Bilehurst Cragg." She said as we walked up to the large house up the hill. "It belonged to my late husband. Passed to me when he died. I have tried to be a benevolent leader, but it's very difficult in these times, especially for a woman."

"If you're the landowner, why are you walking? Where are the horses?" The Doctor asked. I looked around using every type of scanner I had. No sign of horses anywhere. Not even an old horseshoe to be found.

"Horses are banned in Bilehurst. They are creatures of Satan. I had them all shot." She said and the Doctor slowed her pace.

"Hey, Doc," Graham called. "I've done the old Pendle Witch Walking Trail, nobody ever mentioned Bilehurst Cragg. Never heard of it, and she's killed 35 people."

"36, now." Ryan corrected. "Maybe she wipes this place off the map?"

"We're going to find out what happened." The Doctor said stopping. "And how we can make her stop." She then looked up at the Savage household. "And that hall looks like the best place to start."

"Not the only place," Yaz said. "I'm gonna find that girl who's just lost her gran."

"We'll deal with Her Ladyship, if you go do some family liaison." The Doctor said. "I'll meet you in a bit. Hopefully by then I'll be a bit dry." She said a small shiver going down her body. Yaz parted ways with us and we made our way up the hill.

"So what am I? Personal guard?" I asked her.

"I suppose you could. They already think you're a knight. Might as well play the part." She said.

"Ok, personal guard it is then." I said taking a step back as we reached the door. The Doctor knocked at a guard opened it.

He lead us to a room with a large fire burning away. The Doctor immediately went over to the roaring flames to get warm. "I hope the fire has warmed you." Mistress Savage called from the door. "Some wine?" She offered.

"No." The Doctor declined. Her hair already drying off from the immense heat. I had to turn off the thermal scanner because all I could see were reds and yellows. Indicating high temperatures. In fact while we were inside I turned off all my scanners. The only thing I had on the display was the date, time, and temperatures, as well as everyone in front of me. "So, your witch trials have become a weekly event with a village celebration."

Graham and Ryan took a seat nearby and I stood next to the Doctor, and acted as her personal guard. "Any moment where a witch is uncovered and Satan driven out has to be cause for a celebration." I looked over and saw Ryan very confused on this woman's logic. "We work no milk not stop until that work is done."

"You keep saying 'Satan' but how is Satan manifesting himself here?" The Doctor asked.

"Blighting the crops. Bewitching animals. Plaguing people with fits, sickness, and visions." She explained to us.

"If all that is Satan, where do the witches come in to it?" Ryan asked.

"They're in league with him. Kill the witches, defeat Satan." She said.

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