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(AN: this was supposed to be posted on the 12th, but I'm posting early for my girl FandomQueen. Love you!)

The Doctor held the door opened for us as we all snuck into Slade's office. "I thought Slade would never leave." Yaz said as the Doctor closed the door.

"What do we think, then?" The Doctor asked walking up to our little group.

"If this is Slade's office, and everything in this company is automated, why does he need a clipboard?" Yaz asked.

I looked over to see a filing cabinet as well. "And why would he have a need for a filing cabinet if everything was in the computer system?"

"Khan and (L/n), the greatest detectives in the galaxy." The Doctor said and I smiled at her.

Yaz walked over to the filling cabinet and tried to open it. "Locked." She said when it wouldn't budge.

"Not for us." I said as the Doctor pulled out her sonic screwdriver. She pointed it at the filling cabinet and unlocked it. "Now let's see what mister Slade, keeps locked away." I said as the Doctor and I walked over to the cabinet.

"Oh, paperwork, very retro." The Doctor said looking at the files. She reached towards the back and pulled out a few pieces of paper.

She sighed in shock and moved over to the table. Placing them down to get a better look at them. "What is it?" Ryan asked.

"Oh my god." Yaz said.

"You'd better have a very good excuse for breaking in here!" Judy shouted before I could get a look. We all nearly jumped out of our skins at the sudden intrusion. "Your group-loops told me you were back here."

"Oh, I knew that, but I forgot.." the Doctor said in a whisper. "That's the problem with conspiracies, there's so much to think about." She then turned to Judy. "What if I said we got lost, ended up in here by accident, just as that filing cabinet weirdly fell open, how would that play?"

"Doctor, we're caught." I said crossing my arms.

"There were no shuttles from Kandoka today. I checked." Judy said looking from the Doctor to the rest of us. "Who are you? Industrial spies?"

"I was being honest with you earlier. We got a message, someone needed help, and we came. People are vanishing and Mr Slade is keeping a running tally." She said walking over to the desk. Judy followed and looked at the papers. There were pictures, names, of people and when they went missing. "Seven people so far. According to these notes, it started four months ago with two workers. Next month, another. This month, four. The disappearances are on the increase. No wonder people are sending out cries for help. And as head of people for Kerblam, I suggest you're guilty of some serious negligence." The power shut off for a few moments.

"Another power drain?" Yaz asked.

"Doctor," I said and she turned to me. "I don't know, but something isn't right about this."

"That's not a power drain.." Judy said. "That's a total system blackout." She moved from the desk to a monitor behind Slade's desk. "Power's drained right down to the foundation levels." She said surprised.

"What's down there?" I asked her.

"I can help with that." Graham spoke up from the door. We all turned to see him and Charlie walk into the office.

"Charlie, what are you doing up here?" Judy asked.

"Sorry, Judy." He apologized.

"He's with me." Graham said.

"And he's with us." The Doctor added.

Graham handed what looked to be a map to the Doctor. "And they are the original plans for Kerblam."

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