Chapter Three: "I'm the Doctor"

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(AN: so I finished another chapter last night so I thought as a special treat to you all and myself, to upload the next part. Also I want you to spam my comments with encouragement please, I've been super busy as of late and I'm falling out of my groove so to speak. Totally gonna regret that. Lol.)

San Francisco, USA

"Ok, everyone know the plan?" I asked looking between Ryan and Yaz.

"Hack his diary, get us in. Interview him for a fake magazine, find out what's going on with the spies and those creatures." Yaz said and I nodded. As we walked they trailed behind me. I glanced up and VOR was just around the corner.

"Ryan your up." I said and he pulled out the calendar hacker. After a few minutes he said.

"Diary hacked, got us in. Loving these toys." He said excitedly.

"Keep your cool." I told them before adjusting my jacket and putting my sunglasses on. I paused as the sonic sunglasses activated. "Woah.. The Doctor really needs to clean out her search history." I said shaking my head. I tapped the side of the frame and it cleared the lenses.

"Which building is it?" Ryan asked.

"That one there." Yaz said as we rounded the corner.

"I remember coming here once." I said looking at the streets and the buildings. "Mind you, it was the 20's, and the Doctor and I got kidnapped by the mafia."

"The mafia?" Yaz asked questioningly.

"Worst date ever." I added. "Though it did end quite nice." I said with smirk. "Yaz, run down?"

"According to the files, this whole development is down to Barton." She listed off and I glanced back to see Ryan grow nervous the closer we got.

"So you journalist, me photographer, and (Y/n) supervisor?" He asked.

"Yeah that works doesn't it?"

"Fine with me." I replied.

"I reckon, we've just got to try and be confident with it, haven't we?" Ryan said nervously. "Try not to panic that we're blagging our way in on someone who might be dangerous."

"You'll be fine Ryan, the Doctor does it all the time." I said trying to reassure him.

"And don't obsess on our total lack of spy training." He went on clearly still panicking.

"Yeah, don't obsess on that." Yaz nodded. "Think how the Doctor would do it."

"Bad idea, but go on." I said to Yaz and she continued.

"Swan in there like she owns the place, big smiles, loads of chat, total confidence. We can do this." Yaz said.

"Great pep talk, but I'll take point on this, so that way there isn't much for you two to worry about. Just stay calm, and we'll get through this." I told her and she looked as if I just took the fun out of a party. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." I took the sunglasses off and put them on my head to look them both in the eyes. "Just, act normal, and don't do anything stupid." Ryan nodded after taking in a breath. "With any luck all you'll have to do is answer 'yes' or 'no'. Now, everyone ready?" I asked and Ryan paused. "What is it?"

"Why are you looking so worried?" Yaz asked.

"I decided my spy name would be Logan, and now I'm worried I don't look anything like Hugh Jackman!" He exclaimed in a panic.

"Ryan look at me." I said and he did, bouncing up and down like a nervous child. He looked me in the eyes and without hesitation I slapped him across the face. Not hard, but not gentle either.

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