Chapter Thirteen: What The Doctor Needs

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(AN: I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse of what my discord is like, it is facts, no one believes me when I say I'm straight woman. Another famous quote of mine that gets used often. "Im not gay, I just do and say hella gay things.")

"I hate you." I groaned mopping the floor.

"No you don't." The Doctor called back but it felt off. Not in her normal teasing tone. "Great work guys, sorry again. I didn't know it was their mating season."

I began scrubbing the floors again when another set of footsteps entered the console room. "Yes, Graham, my son! I've got it!" He exclaimed and we all paused. I straightened my back and heard a small popping sound. Well that didn't sound to good.

"Got what?" The Doctor asked still mopping.

"The sixth coupon from the Bandohzi Herald. Keeps getting delivered by the coffee machine upstairs. Or is it downstairs?" Graham shook his head. Yaz and Ryan set there mops aside and went to join him. "Anyway don't matter. I noticed they had an offer on. Get six coupons get a free holiday."

"I'm up for a free holiday." Ryan nodded. "Where is it?"

"A place called tranquility." Graham called.

"Me too. So long as there is plenty of sun and absolutely no deep space squid." Yaz called but I moved to the other side of the tentacle and started mopping. "Might get you out of your mardy mood."

"My mood's fine." The Doctor said flatly and I could see from her face she was slightly irritated.

"That's you told." I heard Ryan mutter to her with a snicker.

"Hang on, Graham." The Doctor called. "They're not six perfect squares are they?— No! Don't put them together yet!" The Doctor dropped her mop and rushed up to the others. She waved a hand at me and I did the same.

"What's happened?" He asked as the cube he had started glowing.

"I've hoped you packed. They're not just coupons." The Doctor said panting for breath. "That's a teleport cube, just activated. We've got about 4 seconds."

"No, no, no, no. I've got to go and fetch me Speedos!" Graham yelled and we all froze glancing at each other. "Only joking." Graham said with a smile and I sighed in relief. "Already got 'em on."

"Dear lord." I called and the Doctor made a small face. I reached over and grabbed her hand before we all disappeared.

We were teleported back and I took in a breath trying to slow my hearts rate. "We made it." The Doctor said before pulling me close to her. I rested my head on her shoulder and sighed.

"She'll be ok, she'll be fine, she's with Kane." Graham said to Ryan.

"How are they gonna be ok?" Ryan asked. I pulled away from the Doctor though she hesitated to let me go. "No oxygen. No help..."

"When did you know... that it was earth?" Yaz asked and the Doctor straightened her back.

"Just before you did." She said and I nodded. Everyone looked around defeated and saddened. "Look I know what you're thinking. But it's one possible future. It's one time line."

"Time is constantly in flux, nothing is set in stone." I spoke and the Doctor nodded.

"The future is not fixed! It depends on billions of decisions, and actions, and people stepping up." They still looked defeated. "Humans. I think you forgot how powerful you are. Lives change worlds. People can save planets, or wreck them." She said and I could see her tone was changing from an encouraging one to a more of a scolding one. "That's the choice! Be the best of humanity..."

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