This Is Just The Begining

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(AN: It's finally here! The end of this book. To be honest y'all are gonna hate how I need this... and the memory flashback... but my co writer picked that part out, so it's not my fault.)

It had been a long day. We met Tim Shaw, I nearly died, then I did die, then I came back to life, then there were two of me. Dealing with all that really does drain a person mentally, if not physically. Yaz, Graham, and Ryan all said there goodbyes, and we told them we would pick them up tomorrow. At least tomorrow for them. After the door closed and the Doctor put us in the vortex she sighed and looked over to me. "I know you've had a long rough day," she said gently. "and I'm sorry to ask this if you right now, but I really need to run those tests." She said and I nodded.

I followed the Doctor to the med bay where she took some blood samples and a tissue sample. I then watched her input various codes and watched as the charts came up. All in Gallifreyan so I had to sit and wait for the Doctor to translate them. "So? What does it say?" I asked kind of worried. She just shook her head and took a few surprised steps back. She had a look on her face determined to find answers. She went back and began rerunning the tests. She had to double check, even triple check. Each time the same results came back. She still couldn't believe it, she refused to. "Doctor, you're starting to worry me. What's going on?"

"Impossible." She simply said. "Completely impossible. I mean it's complex enough I change a single cell of an organism, but to change every single cell? And then change the whole biology of that being too? It's incredible." She said and I still didn't understand what was going on. The other me said something about crossing both her hearts and I knew she did something to herself to make her a Time Lord, but why would she do the same to me?

"Um... the lab rat would like to know what the hell is going on. Is there something wrong with me?" I asked and the Doctor shook her head getting herself out of her thoughts.

"No, Nat at all. You are perfectly fine, in perfect health..." she then looked sadly at me. "For a Time Lord." She said and I could see how guilty she felt. I could understand it. My entire biology changed without my permission and it was a huge invasion of my privacy, but it wasn't the Doctor's fault. And yet she still felt guilty about something out of her control. "I'm so sorry, this shouldn't have happened to you."

"Doctor." I said a small smile creeping onto my face. "I'm not mad or upset, if anything... I'm glad. Now we can spend forever together." I said getting off the bed. I walked up to her and kissed her and she kissed me back.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." She said back before kissing me again.

"Like the mighty Pheonix, I rise from the ashes." I said jokingly and she laughed. "I know this is scary, it's completely unexpected and completely new." I said seriously. I pulled out of her arms slightly, and she still didn't let go of me. Of course I wouldn't have it any other way. "But we'll get through this together, like we always have." The Doctor nodded and I smiled at her. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before completely pulling out of her grip. "Now, Time Lord or not. I'm completely exhausted."

"Come on then." She replied taking my hand and taking me with her. She lead the way to our bedroom and pulled me onto the bed. I giggled before sitting up to at the very least kick off my shoes. "You're still recovering, and your mind and body are still adjusting to the change in your biology. It's the same feeling after I regenerate." She said. I turned in the bed to face her. "If it's anything like that, then you should be fine in 24 hours or so."

I smiled playfully. "Oh no." I mocked. "24 hours without me? How will you keep yourself sane?" I chuckled as she smiled.

"I'll wait right here. Just like you do for me." She moved a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "Now go to sleep. You need the rest." I closed my eyes. Everything was changing now, and maybe this wasn't a bad thing. No longer was I this fragile human who needed constant attention after each fault I made. Now I was just as strong as the Doctor, and with this new found strength I'll do what I do best. Protect the ones I love.

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