Operation: Rosa Parks

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(AN: The meme at the top is for Runclevergirl13, we had a talk about motivation and stuff. Secondly, I make a joke about Alabama that may or may not be offensive, but to be fair, my ex boyfriend was the one who made it and he is from Alabama. So don't hate me.)

We walked onto the side street behind the bus company. "This is where the Artron signals converge."

"At the bus company. All roads lead to Rosa Parks." Yaz spoke glancing around. People were hauling crates and tools all around us. Working on buses and engines.

"Bit of a worry. Let's have a look around." The Doctor said as we approached a door with at least five padlocks on it.

"I'm not sure about this." Graham muttered.

"Neither am I, and that's saying something." I whispered back. This is where the energy reading was strongest, and this is where I felt the most uneasy. "I don't feel comfortable here Doctor." She continued to use the sonic screwdriver on the door as each lock began to fall into the gravel below us.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but we need to find out what's causing all of this." She opened the door and we all walked into the seemingly empty warehouse.

Ryan took one glance into the room. "There's nothing in here."

"Why padlock an empty room?" Yaz asked. The Doctor continued to scan the room as we proceeded to walk closer to the center.

"Unless it's not empty..." the Doctor got a lock on something and ran to the very center.

She used her sonic to remove what seemed to be a perception filter off of a suitcase. "That wasn't there a second ago." Graham said.

"Yes it was, it must've had a perception filter on it." I said walking closer to the case.

"Why would anyone do that to a suitcase?" Yaz asked, concerned. As she should be, because she was right.

"There could be something valuable, or something completely dangerous on the inside that they don't want us to find." I said taking a small step back.

"Can we open it?" Ryan asked the Doctor and I saw a grin grow on her face.

"Is the right question!" She exclaimed pulling out her sonic again crouching down next to it. "Is anyone excited? Because I'm really excited."

"You are such a child!" I exclaimed.

"You won't be excited if it's a bomb." Graham said and I nodded in agreement.

"Don't kill the vibe, Graham!" She exclaimed opening the case.

"Woah, not very 50's" Ryan muttered. I walked past him and looked over the Doctor's shoulder.

"I knew it. See now there's a problem, we're not the only ones in Montgomery who don't belong here." She said.

"Maybe that's why the Tardis brought us here. To fix whatever this person's trying to break." I supplied looking down at the kit. "Whoever they are, they know what they're doing."

"Information brick. Multi-intercepting surveillance device. All a bit knackered though." She said examining the tools.

"Well, why has it been left in here?"

She gasped. "This explains the Artron signals. This is very bad news. Secondary charger for a-" she was cut off by someone firing a weapon clearly not of this planet or time period. I ducked to the ground pulling the Doctor out of the way. The firing continued and we all got to our feet and ran for our lives out of the building. We ran around back to a yard of old rusted tankers. "In here." The Doctor said pulling me behind one. The other's followed behind us. We waited for a moment and it was silent. Then I heard the sound of metal clanging as if a ladder was being climbed. The the sound of boots on an empty tank followed. "Stay here." She said and she left me alone with the others. I rolled my eyes and quietly followed her. "Oi, Brando. Looking for us? I'm not armed." I stood at the base of the ladder waiting for the opportune moment.

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