It's Time She Knew

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(AN: I might not up date tomorrow so I'll just give all y'all another chapter today. But to much of a good thing and all...)

As the Doctor used her body to shield me I could still feel the heat of the raging fires above me. I heard the screaming of the cloths as they burned into ash above us. "Another fact," the Doctor said looking down at me then to the others. "Ignites very easily. Good old acetylene!" She pushed herself up some so she could move off of me. "See? Team work. Now move, come on." She said beginning to crawl under the burning gas cloud above us. I rolled onto my stomach and followed behind her.

When we made it to the other side we found our way to a rocky hill. I looked at everyone and they all seemed exhausted. "We could set up camp here for the night. Take turns keeping watch until morning." I suggested and the Doctor nodded. Everyone found a place to lay down, close to the rocks so no one was out in the open. "I'll take first watch." I said to the Doctor. She didn't say anything and sat on her own waiting for the others to fall asleep. I watched the acetylene fields burn from the rocks.

The Doctor's footsteps drew my attention away from the clouds of fire. "What were they talking about, when they said you were hiding something from me?" She asked.

"Please," I turned to her. "I don't want to have this conversation now. Not here." I glanced back at the others, they were sound asleep.

"Ok, not now when? Where?" She crosses her arms and she rose her eyebrows at me when I didn't answer. "Has this got something to do with your nightmares?" She asked growing concerned.

"No." I scoffed.

Liar!           Liar!         Liar!          Why are you lying to my thief!

The voice said, I shoved it away but as I did I felt something warm run down my nose. I quickly turned away and pulled out a tissue to wipe away the blood. "This wasn't the first time that's happened has it?" She asked calmly. I turned back to face her a defeated sigh came from me as I nodded. I couldn't look her in the eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you, figured out what's wrong." She said and tears started to form in my eyes. "I could fix it."

"No. You can't. There's nothing to fix." I said my voice quivering. I looked up and finally looked her in the eyes. I let the tears fall from my face shaking my head sadly. "There's nothing you can do for me."

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" She asked placing her hands on the side of my face. I tried to pull away, but she wouldn't let me. "Tell me please, you're starting to make me worry." She gave a small laugh and I gave her a sad smile.

"Doctor..." I started. No I couldn't tell her. I couldn't do it. If I told her it would break both of her hearts, knowing she couldn't do anything about it. I closed my eyes and tried to pull away again. She wasn't having it. When I opened my eyes to look at her, she to was starting to cry. She was worried and scared. "Doctor, I'm dying..." I whispered.

She shook her head, not believing it. "No, no you're not. Why would you say such a thing?" She pulled away from me.

"Because it's true." She took a few steps away and shook her head refusing to believe the truth. "This is why I couldn't tell you, I knew you would act like this." I turned my back to her and let the tears fall freely now.

"How long have you known?" She asked, trying not to entertain the possibility of me dying.

"Since the Game Station." I turned to look at her once again. "Ever since I held that small amount of the Tardis heart inside of me. I saw my future, saw my death."

"No that's not possible, I removed all of that from you. You shouldn't even remember it." She couldn't believe it.

"There's still a small remnant left inside of me. It can't be removed, it's wielded into my soul permanently." I saw her step back in shock as I said this.

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