Demons of the Punjab

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(AN: Clevergirl, convinced me to do another update today, feel free to give her praise in the comments.)

A few days have past and the Doctor landed the Tardis in its usual spot outside the complex. "What are you doing?" She had a welding helmet on and was working at the console.

"Just a few things I need to fix. Nothing to worry about." She said messing around with the console. There was a bunch of sparks that flew all over the place. "Oh... hope that wasn't important..."

"Doctor!" I shouted warningly.

"Just kidding!" She shouted back. "Hopefully..." I heard her mutter.

Before I could say anything Yaz and the others walked in. "(Y/n), are you all right? The Doctor said you weren't feeling so good." Yaz said when she saw me.

"No, I wasn't." I thought back to the moment. I was coughing up blood and could barely stand on my own. I looked back over to Yaz. "Yeah, a sore throat, and I had a bit of nasty cough." I said to them.

"Well, glad to see you're better." Graham said.

Yaz walked over to the Doctor and pulled out a watch. It was old and shattered and I already knew what she was going to ask. So did the Doctor. "I know what you're asking," she said raising the visor of her welding helmet. "But family history and time travel, very tricky." She said and I agreed.

I remember the last time we did that. Rose had asked the Doctor to take her back to see her father when he was still alive. It didn't end up well then, I doubt it would do so now. I didn't have a good feeling about this trip. "Just for an hour." Yaz pleaded. "See her from a distance." Yaz continued as the Doctor continued to work on the console. "What's the point in having mates with a time machine if you can't nip back and see your gran when she was younger."

"No." I said firmly, this shocked even the Doctor, because this sounded like a trip I would be all over for, and I would be, if it wasn't messing specifically with Yaz's personal history. "We cannot mess with your personal history." I said and the Doctor nodded going back to work on the console. She turned a switch and the Tardis gave its usual hum, but with a fountain of sparks coming from the console. "Doctor!" I shouted.

"Sorry! Sorry!" She said leaning back in to look at the console. She glanced at the watch and took it from Yaz. "Have you got a time or place?" She asked her.

"I know she lived in Lahore in the '50s. But other than that..." Yaz said.

"I mean, I could. I shouldn't." She said seriously glancing at me and I nodded. "Unless... no. Too unpredictable."

"Could what?" Ryan asked.

"It's a risk." The Doctor said.

"Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky." Graham said sarcastically.

"I have apologized for the death-eye turtle army. Profusely." She said taking another glance at the Tardis. "I suppose I could loop this into the Tardis' telepathic circuits."

"No, you can not be serious. Doctor, you know how dangerous this is." I said crossing my arms.

"This thing is telepathic, too?" Graham asked.

"Don't call her a thing, Graham." The Doctor said to him. "And, yes, she does have telepathic navigation, sort of. Shorthand for a very complicated process which is way beyond your understanding."

"Ta very much. I only hang around here to be insulted." He said back.

"Any object amasses all sorts of fragmented spatio-temporal particles through its life." She said moving on. "The Tardis can read it like date stamps. What do you two reckon?" She asked them.

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