Attack of The Clone

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(AN: Just one more chapter left y'all. Then we move onto the New Years episode.)(and yes I've been watching a lot of Star Wars lately.)

"What do you mean your (Y/n)?" Yaz asked the second me. I looked at her shocked and then to everyone else. The Ux weren't surprised and neither was the Tardis. "How can you be (Y/n)?"

"Oh, Yaz, come on keep up. It's times like this when I miss Clara." The other me said rolling her eyes. "The Ux rejuvenated each of her blood cells." She gestured to me. "Well, that big pool of blood outside just so happened to not be on the inside of her body." She stopped and fixed her hair before turning to me. "That was my fault by the way, escape attempts gone wrong. Sorry not sorry." She said in an uncaring way. "Anyway, the blood had to go somewhere, so the cells multiplied and reproduced until there was a perfect body ready for the taking."

"But how did... you get to there from my head?" I asked. She was just a voice in my head. How could she be an actual person?

"The Tardis." She simply replied.

"What?" The Doctor and I asked confused.

"She didn't do it willingly, if that's what you are wondering. See when the Tardis took the energy back from you, I decided to hitchhike. Then when she tried put some of that energy back into you I diverted it into this body." The Doctor and I were still confused on what was going on, and how the hell this was possible. "If it will help you understand it better, think about Cassandra, and her psycograph." She said putting a hand on her hip and checking her nails. She seemed... almost bored.

"Who are you exactly? We know you said you were (Y/n), but you're not are you." The Doctor asked. "You're something different."

The other me did a mock gasp of surprise. "I knew there was a reason I fell for you." She said with a giggle biting her lower lip. "No, I'm not (Y/n), well not completely. I'm more like... how do I explain this.. imagine she had split personality. I'm the other personality, and normally I would stay in her head, but ever since the game station. All that energy held within us. It gave me life in a way. So I sat patently waiting for this moment. So I could have a life of my own, so I could be free." She said and it made sense in its own twisted way.

I looked to the Doctor and I felt my heart racing. This was so unreal. I opened my mouth to say something but an alarm went off throughout the Tardis. "Graham, and Ryan! They're in trouble." The Doctor said.

I heard the other me sigh in annoyance. "Typical." She muttered. The Doctor lead the way down the corridor and I made to follow.

"No, I want you to stay here and rest." She said to me.

"But I feel fine, honestly." I replied, and that was the truth. I felt completely normal, actually I felt better than normal. If you looked at me ten minutes ago, and then right now, you wouldn't believe it to be the same person.

"That's also my doing." The other me said. The Doctor and I turned to look at her as she leaned on the wall. "When I was messing around in the Tardis's heart, only for a moment," she added seeing the Doctor start to get defensive. "I may have made a couple tweaks... in our biological code."

"What did you do?" The Doctor asked sternly. I could see the oncoming storm in her eyes. But that didn't seem to phase this other me.

She smirked and leaned forward towards the Doctor. Showing she wasn't afraid, nor would she back down. "It wasn't as hard as I thought it would've been, but I suppose I was in the heart of the Tardis, all that knowledge made it so easy."

"What. Did. You. Do?" She asked one more time. I have never seen the Doctor so angry before. Not even against the Daleks. This wasn't the oncoming storm... this was something much worse. The Doctor was protective over me I knew that, but I've never seen her like this. "Tell me!"

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