First Woman Married in Pakistan

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The Thijarians sent us back to the Barn. I stood there with my hand in the Doctor's shoulder to help keep my balance. "Where've you two been?" Yaz said standing up worried. "You've been gone hours."

"The Thijarians, they told us everything." The Doctor said. "We know what happened, and what will happen."

"I want to know what happens." Yaz asked.

I saw the Doctor hesitated to tell her. I grabbed her hand in a comforting way, as she opened her mouth to speak. "Prem dies today."

I looked at the others and they seemed to be digesting the information. Yaz on the other hand shook her head frantically. "We can't let that happen."

"Yaz, I'm sorry, but it has to happen." I said calmly. I didn't want Prem to die, but his death was a fixed point. Especially if we wanted Yaz to be born.

"For Umbreen to become your nani, for you to exist, Prem has to die." The Doctor explained and I nodded in agreement. She was right.

"You mean, the Thijarians have come to kill Prem?" Ryan asked.

"No, there not here to kill anyone." I said.

"They're not assassins. They honor those who die alone." The Doctor explained.

"Aliens with compassion." Graham said and I shot him a small smile leaning lightly on the Doctor's shoulder.

"Umbreen loses her husband on the day she marries." Yaz said. "Of course she never wants to talk about it."

"I'm sorry Yaz," the Doctor apologized. "We should leave." She added looking at everyone else.

"No." Yaz protested gaining the Doctor attention again. "I want to make sure she's safe, whatever happens. I want to look after my nani."

"I'm with Yaz." Ryan agreed.

We then looked to Graham. "Yeah, me, too." He said and then they looked at me.

"Oh, what the hell. Might as well." I finally caved in on staying, just when the Doctor started agreeing with me that we needed to leave.

"We can't tell them what we know." The Doctor said, and we one by one leave the barn. I made to follow Yaz, but the Doctor stopped me. "(Y/n)," she said and I turned to face her, confused.

"Doctor? What's wrong?" I asked and she pulled me into a tight hug. "Hey, it's ok, what's brought this on?" After a few more moments she let me go.

"I had just thought," she said emotions clear in her voice. "If that was us. If I had lost you..."

"Doctor, why?" I said grabbing her shoulders pulling her in for another hug. "Why did you do this to yourself?"

"Because I will lose you.." she muttered into my shoulder.

"Yes, you will." I agreed. "And in turn I will lose you." I slowly pulled away and looked her in her watery eyes. "But I'll tell you what, it's not happening today. I still haven't given up faith in you, have you?"

"No." She said back with a small smile. "What would I do without you?" She asked and her smile faded away when she realized what she said.

"The hardest thing I could ask of you.." I put one of my hands on her cheek and wiped away a fallen tear. "Move on."

"No.. I couldn't." She denied shaking her head.

"I didn't say it would be easy, but if I go. You need to move forward for me. Continue to do what we do, save the universe, make new friends, and continue to travel and explore." I pulled her in for one more hug, and held on to her tightly. "Just be sure to think of me."

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